Strange Dog Is Adopted By Family, But When The Veterinarian Sees Him, He Calls The Police

Published on 08/03/2022

Anubis terrified everyone he came into contact with. And with a cause…

He wasn’t your typical dog, and the vet had recognized it the moment he and his owner Jason walked in. He instantly contacted the cops. Jason was seated in the waiting area, entirely oblivious of what was about to take place.

But the cops were ready to make him regret ever having bought this dog…

Family Adopts Strange Dog, But When The Vet Sees Him, He Calls The Police

Strange Dog Is Adopted By Family, But When The Veterinarian Sees Him, He Calls The Police

Avoiding The Authorities

Jason’s initial thought was to get his dog Anubis and flee. He had no idea why the vet had contacted the cops, but he didn’t want to risk having his beloved puppy taken away from him. However, it was already too late…

Running From The Police

Avoiding The Authorities

The Police Have Arrived

But the cops had already arrived by the time Jason made it out of the vet’s office, and there was nowhere Jason could run now. He didn’t want to hand over Anubis without a fight, but when they began to explain themselves, Jason’s tone shifted…

Police Arriving

The Police Have Arrived

No Ordinary Dog

Everything made obvious now. Anubis was not your typical dog. How could I have overlooked this for so long?!

But why did the vet contact the cops about Jason and Anubis? What was wrong with the dog, and could Jason let him go?

No Ordinary Dog

No Ordinary Dog

Fearful Of Anubis

Jason hadn’t intended to buy a puppy that day, but he couldn’t take his gaze away from Anubis. The odd dog, with its yellowish eyes and highly pointed ears, returned his gaze to the pen’s wall after only a brief period. Jason found himself moving closer, despite the fact that he was a little terrified of the dog. But there was something special about him.

Afraid Of Anubis

Fearful Of Anubis

Rescue Mission

Jason was certain he was bringing the puppy home for two reasons. The first was that he’d mentally christened the large black dog Anubis. The second was that the man selling the dogs at the farmer’s market area didn’t appear to be really concerned about the animals…

Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission

Unknown Origins

Jason was very interested in a puppy that had just arrived. The seller grumbled something about how everyone else thought the dog was too vicious and that if no one bought him, he’d definitely be turned over to animal control to be put down…

Unknown Origins

Unknown Origins

A Numbers Game

Jason felt he couldn’t leave the dog behind after hearing that news. Part of him worried that the man, who appeared untrustworthy, would demand a fee that Jason couldn’t afford. Fortunately, this was not the case. He simply appeared to be eager to get rid of the weird canine…

A Numbers Game

A Numbers Game

Asking The wife?

Jason had a feeling he should talk to his wife Monica about bringing a dog into the family first. Especially since it was such a dangerous-looking dog and he and Monica had a set of four-year-old twins. Who could have predicted how this creepy, dark beast would react to children?

Asking The Wife

Asking The Wife

Making A Choice

Jason knew his wife well enough to know that if he asked her, she would say no to this puppy. And time was running out as the vendor began to pack up for the day. Jason couldn’t face the thought of Anubis being taken to a shelter and murdered, so he made a choice…

Making A Decision

Making A Choice

Buying Anubis

Jason paid the dubious seller and walked Anubis to his truck, who was quite quiet and well-behaved. The unusual dog remained calm the entire way home, merely staring silently out the window. Jason realized when they arrived that he hadn’t yet heard Anubis make a single sound…

Buying Anubis

Buying Anubis

Too calm?

Jason had never seen a dog act in this manner before. Had Anubis received any training in his prior life? Maybe he’d been police or military canine who didn’t make the cut. This level of calm has to be abnormal, right?

Too Calm

Too Calm

New House

When Jason stepped onto the porch with Anubis, he could feel his wife Monica’s angry look coming through the window. Fortunately, his two boys, Melvin and Martie, arrived at the door before she did. Jason held his breath, his grasp on the leash tightening. Would Anubis become aggressive all of a sudden?

New Home

New House

Best Friends

Monica came up behind the twins, her expression filled with horror. Despite his fearsome look, Anubis handled everything quietly. Melvin and Martie burst out laughing, proclaiming that they now possessed the coolest-looking puppy ever! Monica couldn’t be too upset with Anubis taking it all in so quietly.

Best Friends

Best Friends

Monica Was Furious!

Monica, on the other hand, was furious. How could he have made such a choice without first consulting with her? What was he thinking, bringing a dog like that from nowhere to be around their children? Why would he purchase a puppy from a stranger at a farmers’ market?

Monica Was Mad!

Monica Was Furious!


Jordan apologized for not talking to Monica after she had said everything she needed to say. Then he went on to explain the entire story. Monica’s rage subsided when she learned that Anubis would have been on his way to a kill shelter if it hadn’t been for Jordan.



Is Anubis Dangerous?

She revealed that, contrary to her first impression, she liked Anubis. She was only concerned about his being around the twins, who could be rather rambunctious and loud. Jordan agreed that keeping an eye on the twins anytime they were around Anubis was a good idea for a while…
Is Anubis Dangerous

Is Anubis Dangerous

Settling In

Anubis has rapidly proven himself to be a perfectly capable family dog, much to Jordan and Monica’s relief. Nothing seemed to disturb him, and his imposing personality also made him an excellent security dog. However, Anubis would deter far more than potential robbers…

Settling In

Settling In

Scarring The Public

When Jason or Monica walked Anubis through the park, other dog owners, joggers, or anyone else in the park gave them a wide space, trying to remain a safe distance. While this made Monica and Jason uneasy, it didn’t appear to concern Anubis at all…

Scarring The Public

Scarring The Public

Growing Worry

Anubis had been with Jordan, Monica, and the twins for about a month, and his somber, quiet demeanor had remained consistent since the beginning. Jordan was concerned by the animal’s apparent lack of feeling; nothing could make him happy or sad…

Growing Worry

Growing Worry

Medical Check

Jason ended up making an appointment with the vet to get Anubis carefully examined. But Jordan had no idea that this simple check-up would develop into an ordeal. Three days later, the appointment was scheduled. Jason opted to conduct his own study during the time before the appointment…

Medical Check

Medical Check

Into The Unknown

He was still unsure what kind of breed the dog was, let alone what was wrong with him, after several hours of investigation. Jordan had various ideas, but none appeared to fit perfectly. Only the vet could possibly help him discover the truth about Anubis…

Into The Unknown

Into The Unknown

Not Taking The Twins

The twins were eager to accompany Jason and Anubis to the vet because they believed they could help keep him quiet. But Jason opted to keep him at home in case there was something wrong with the canine. He didn’t want his children to be scared by it.

Not Taking The Twins

Not Taking The Twins

Visiting The Vet

Besides, Anubis didn’t need someone to keep him calm. Jason was confident that not even the cold and scary vet’s office could frighten this animal. But it would end up scaring Jason far more than he could have imagined…

Going To The Vet

Visiting The Vet

Busy Waiting Area

When he arrived at the vet that afternoon, the waiting room was packed. Some of his other appointments had taken far longer than expected, and there had even been an emergency issue today. As a result, Jason and Anubis had to wait. And they were garnering a lot of attention…

Busy Waiting Room

Busy Waiting Area

People Appear To Be Terrified

Some others returned their pets to their cages or tightened their grip on the leash. Jason could tell they were terrified of his dog. This was something he was used to by now, but it was the first time it would truly bite him…

People Look Afraid

People Appear To Be Terrified

Waiting Outside

An staffer of the vet clinic approached Jason and, with a look of embarrassment on her face, requested if he and Anubis may wait outside for their appointment. Others in the waiting room had expressed concerns about their safety.

Having To Wait Outside

Waiting Outside

Unfairly Judged

Jason exhaled a heavy breath of disappointment as he stared down at the ever-calm Anubis. This dog would never hurt a fly without being provoked, and he knew it. But he’d definitely be distrusted for the rest of his life just because of the way he looked…

Unfairly Judged

Unfairly Judged

Against His Desires

Everyone else in the room avoided making eye contact with Jason. And, despite his displeasure, he led Anubis outside to wait for their appointment. But Jason could never have imagined the implications at the moment…

Against His Will

Against His Desires

Someone Is Fascinated By Anubis

After barely a few minutes outside, a man in a large coat walks past the pair but comes to a halt when he sees Anubis. He asked Jason if this was his dog, and when he said yes, the man kneeled next to the frightening-looking black beast.

Somebody Is Interested In Anubis

Someone Is Fascinated By Anubis

A Senior Vet

Unlike most individuals who encountered Anubis, this man appeared to be utterly unafraid of the dog’s appearance. He said that he was the senior veterinarian who had just returned from a vacation. He was rushing to his next meeting, but something about Anubis compelled him to pause for a moment.

A Senior Vet

A Senior Vet

Changing Jason’s Appointment

He declined to explain what piqued his interest, but he did promise Jason that he would expedite his appointment if he also allowed him to transfer the vet with whom he had scheduled the appointment to himself. He seemed unusually enthusiastic about it.

Switching Jason’s Appointment

Changing Jason’s Appointment

It Was All Arranged

Jason thought this was strange, but given how chilly it was outdoors and how long they would have to wait for their initial appointment, he agreed. Jason was called in within 10 minutes after the senior vet went into the building satisfied.

It Was All Arranged

It Was All Arranged

People Were Upset With Him

He felt like he got a lot of furious looks from other people who realized he was authorized to cut in line ahead of them, but he didn’t care. If it were up to him, these folks with their pitiful prejudices could suck it!

People Were Mad At Him

People Were Upset With Him

A Serious Vibe

Jason led Anubis into the office, where the senior vet was already dressed in the appropriate attire. He appeared to be preparing to do surgery or something, despite the fact that this was simply a consultation.

A Serious Vibe

A Serious Vibe

Anubis Was Studied By The Vet

The vet was largely focused with looking the dog up and down while Jason was describing to him what was bothering him about Anubis and why he had come here for help. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to what Jason was saying.

The Vet Studied Anubis

Anubis Was Studied By The Vet

Excusing Himself

The vet abruptly interrupted Jason’s talk and told him that he needed to take care of something urgently. So he marched through the office’s side door, closing it behind him and leaving a perplexed Jason behind.

Excusing Himself

Excusing Himself

Faint Conversation

Jason could hear some chatting on the other side of the door, but couldn’t understand what was being said. The conversation lasted around 2 minutes, and when he didn’t hear any more talking, Jason expected the vet to return any second. But he did not…

Faint Conversation

Faint Conversation

The Vet Did Not Return

Jason sat and waited till over 15 minutes had passed. He was growing antsy because he had no idea what was going on. When he felt the door handles, he discovered that they were locked. He began knocking, nearly beating, on the door, pleading with someone to come and get him.

The Vet Did Not Come Back

The Vet Did Not Return

Kicking In The Door

He became irritated when he received no response. Why were they treating him this way? Was it anything to do with Anubis? He began to see red, and in a fit of wrath, he kicked in the door that the vet had left around 20 minutes previously…

Kicking In The Door

Kicking In The Door

Explaining Himself

The vet was standing in the other room, calm as could be despite the fact that his door had just been kicked in. Jason requested an explanation, and after a quick glance at his watch, the vet was genuinely willing to enlighten Jason of what was going on.

Explaining Himself

Explaining Himself

The Cops Were On Their Way

He informed him that he had just called the cops on him and Anubis and that they would arrive any minute. Jason was taken aback. He was curious as to why, but the vet advised him that the police would probably be able to explain it better than he could.

The Police Were On Their Way

The Cops Were On Their Way

A Split-Second Decision

Jason was taken aback. What possible justification could this vet have for calling the cops on his helpless dog? He was still high from kicking down the door, and he was convinced that the cops were coming to take Anubis away from him. And he wasn’t about to let this happen…

A Split Second Decision

A Split Second Decision

Attempting To Flee

He rushed to the other door of the room he had just entered, Anubis close behind, and tried to get out of the building as quickly as he could. But it was too late because the cops had already stopped him outside the building.

Trying To Escape

Attempting To Flee

They Wanted Anubis

They clearly wanted Anubis’ leash and to take him away, as they also had an animal control car with him. Jason, on the other hand, was not about to give up Anubis without a struggle. He stood in front of him, yelling that if they wanted him, they had to go through him!

They Wanted Anubis

They Wanted Anubis

Jason Was Approached By An Officer

While this was going on, one of the police officers gently went forward, making hand gestures to indicate that he wished to settle the situation down. He was willing to explain himself to Jason. That was the least they could do for him…

An Officer Approached Jason

Jason Was Approached By An Officer

Anubis Had Been Identified By The Vet

The police officer began by stating that the senior vet had identified Anubis and had called the police to alert them of his discovery once he was certain that he was dealing with the correct dog, which he was after the inspection. And they had arrived immediately.

The Vet Had Recognized Anubis

Anubis Had Been Identified By The Vet

A Religious Leader’s Dog

Jason’s purchase from the dodgy seller wasn’t just any ordinary Mexican hairless puppy. He was actually owned by a religious leader in Mexico City who was well-known throughout the country for promoting Aztec terms and culture.

Dog Of A Religious Leader

A Religious Leader’s Dog

Used At Funerals

You know, this type of dog is incredibly important in that religion because stories say that it guides the deceased to the underworld. For any religious mortal man, this is a horrible proposition. And the religious leader utilized Anubis, whose real name was Xolo, to comfort grieving relatives of the recently deceased.

Used At Funerals

Used At Funerals

Reassuring The Family

Xolo would sit by the religious leader’s side during funerals, entirely unaffected by the dead and the ceremony, which was thought to demonstrate that God was not interested in transporting the deceased’s soul to the underworld. That’s why the dog was always so peaceful. He had been taught not to respond.

Reassuring The Relatives

Reassuring The Family

The Canine Was Stolen

However, nonbelievers snatched Xolo from the religious leader a few months ago. The dog was expected to be put down by them, but it had allegedly ended up with the dodgy seller from whom Jason bought it.

The Dog Was Stolen

The Canine Was Stolen

It’s Difficult To Say Good-by

Jason was taken aback by everything, yet the evidence was all there. It also answered all of his questions concerning his dog. He knew he had to give the dog up so that it might be returned to its original owner and benefit many more people, but it was still difficult for him to say goodbye to his puppy.

Difficult To Say Goodbye

It’s Difficult To Say Good-by

Receiving A Prize

In the end, he surrendered Xolo and returned him to his owner in Mexico. Fortunately, the religious leader was a wealthy man who rewarded Jason well for his assistance in reuniting Xolo with him.

Getting A Reward

Receiving A Prize

Purchasing A New Dog

Jason and his family eventually got a new puppy, but this time they made sure it came with the appreciated papers and that everyone in the family improved before making the decision. Jason still thinks about Anubis from time to time, but he knows he made the right decision.

Buying A New Dog

Purchasing A New Dog