When it comes to sharing anything on the internet, a good rule of thumb is to never share anything that makes you angry, something you wouldn’t say in front of your grandmother, or any photo that appears to be… dubious. However, there are occasions when people do not give the photo the extra three seconds it requires for them to decide whether or not to upload it, and we end up with these beauties. The fact that these people are out here stunting for social media makes me feel all kinds of cringe-worthy. So buckle up and get your hand ready because you’re going to be doing a lot of facepalming when you see what’s coming next.
My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie
This ‘bae caught me slippin’ scenario is almost too wonderful to be true. We truly don’t deserve these people or all of the efforts they put forth to make us smile every single day. In addition, she outdid herself with the caption, which reads: “Lol bae caught me slippin. Love him. Goodnight from us.” You two had a good night’s sleep.

My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie
The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic
Don’t you simply despise being stuck in traffic? This section of the road is really sluggish and congested, and all of the other cars block out the ideal selfie lighting. We can all relate to this commuter who was fed up with the swarm of phantom cars that surrounded her on her way to work. What a great #mondaymood, am I right?

The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic
Toddler Cannon Fodder
This parent certainly understands the importance of a memorable holiday photograph. How about taking advantage of your surroundings instead of the same old stand-and-pose method? So, little Timmy, get in the cannon because it’s going to be just like Team Rocket on Pokémon.

Toddler Cannon Fodder
The Mattress That Was Great But Also Filled With Stuff
So, does “great condition” simply refer to the fact that the object is still recognized as such, or are we going to talk about the overall quality of the piece? It’s clear that this poster doesn’t understand what we’re seeing because this bed isn’t doing so well. Is everything good with you, sweetie?

The Mattress That Was Great But Also Filled With Stuff
Rushmore Mount Chokemore
Vacations with the family are difficult. You spend every day crowded into a small space with the same group of people, and your mother always forces you to share a bed with your younger brother, who drools on your pillow. There are times when you almost want to… simply throttle him to death in front of a revered American landmark.

Rushmore Mount Chokemore
World Traveler Who Forgot His Backyard
When Instagram influencers gain popularity, it is because they persuade us to follow their lead and perform similar actions. This wannabe influencer mogul simply wants us to tour the world, and he’s doing it all in front of the same fence in his own backyard, which is a first for me.

World Traveler Who Forgot His Backyard
While We Were Taking Family Photos, Who Let The Dogs Out?
It’s quite tough to get everyone together for a family photo. You must arrange schedules, prepare for the event, and ensure that everyone is awake and alert. When it comes to this situation, it’s essentially the same as herding cats or herding dogs going to the bathroom in the backdrop of your photograph.

While We Were Taking Family Photos, Who Let The Dogs Out
Bae Caught Me Slippin’ In The Monochrome
He simply wanted to demonstrate to us what a fantastic cuddler he was by standing with his blanket in front of us. As a photographer, he even arranged the setting by matching his green blanket to his shirt and his bedspread, just like a genuine professional. His production designer profession would be a lot more fruitful if he would simply instruct Bae to cool the shots for a minute and then get up and move around.

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ In The Monochrome
Stop It Now. Please Respect Tacos And Books.
Corporate marketing tactics are frequently so bizarre and devoid of any understanding of social media culture that we wonder if they are being devised by actual lizard people posing as human beings in disguise. Just like this Mexican restaurant advertising who tried to be a little “quirky,” but ended up getting tossed out of a library.

Stop It Now. Please Respect Tacos And Books.
For Sale Couch And Chair Set
Here’s a terrific sofa ad on Facebook for anyone who wants to make their guests feel completely uncomfortable throughout their visit. It’s no surprise that the entire item is only £10 considering the couch and chair are not sold individually. That comes at an additional cost.

For Sale Couch And Chair Set
Omg Ronaldo, Please Calm Down, You’re Making A Fool Of Yourself
My encounter with Cristiano Ronaldo was really awkward, to say the least. The world-renowned soccer player was acting like a total fanboy, which was extremely cringe-worthy. He most likely had to move all of his awards, caps, and Fifa trophies out of the way in order to beg this poor man for a selfie with him. Sigh.

Omg Ronaldo, Please Calm Down, You’re Making A Fool Of Yourself
This Leopard’s “Trigritude” Shook Me
If you’re not using the word “tigritude” in every one of your business meetings from now on, you’re passing up an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to others how incredibly self-assured you are. We like this gentleman’s tigritude, but we regret to inform him that the animal in question is, in fact, a leopard.

This Leopard’s Trigritude Shook Me
#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending
Across the room, Jane Goodall is delving into the questions that the rest of us are too afraid to ask. What exactly is the source of turtles’ overdramatic behaviour on the internet and their choking on straws? They watched the video and then looked down at their Starbucks straw, and they knew in their hearts that it was all fake news. Thank you for your scientific opinion and for using such a fantastic hashtag!

#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending
Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.
Due to the fact that they stole the taco post, Oreos has effectively placed a final nail in the coffin of my hypothesis that corporate marketers are all humanoid lizards seeking to comprehend humans. Thank you for kicking off a trend that no one asked for and for giving me a compelling cause to switch to Mr Christie’s products.

Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.
Bae Caught Me Slippin’ From Two Angles
A couple of shots were taken inside because this guy’s babe really wanted him to work his angles. They even turned on the full flash in this automobile at night in order to acquire the photos, and he amazingly slept through it all. What a great example of how to achieve relationship goals.

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ From Two Angles
Tinder’s Most Powerful Weapons
Imagine scrolling through tinder and coming across your knight in shining armour, who also happens to be a master of the martial arts. Dang, this great swordsman, baseball player, and fire poker must have some steel lips, or else that sword is foaming at the mouth.

Tinder’s Most Powerful Weapons
Nananananana Bat Joker
To be fair, this is a unique tattoo concept that deserves to be shared. The only issue is the attitude that led to it in the first place. Nothing is more tiresome than dealing with someone who has a “tough guy” mentality while we’re all just trying to get enough caffeine in our systems to allow us to blink with both eyes simultaneously.

Nananananana Bat Joker
“Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture”
If you’re going to arrange a photo of yourself in order to make it appear as though someone else is taking it, you need to make absolutely certain that you leave no proof behind. For example, a mirror in the back, I don’t know.

Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture
Omg She’s Dating A Celebrity, And I Don’t See Anything Wrong With This Photo
Live your life to the fullest because you only get one shot at it. So if there’s a celebrity that you’re fascinated with and that you want to date, go ahead and download photoshop because you need to be out here #living it up right now! This young lady and her extremely well-known boyfriend provide us with the motivation we require.

Omg She’s Dating A Celebrity, And I Don’t See Anything Wrong With This Photo.
A Bodybuilder’s Mom The Loyal Fan
No matter who you are, you must have someone on your side who supports you. It is their responsibility to be there to pick you up if you fall. If you want to send a mirror selfie to a girl you met at Jambajuice, you’ll need your mother to be present to catch those rippling muscles for you.

A Bodybuilder’s Mom The Loyal Fan
Bae Caught Her Slippin’ And Caught A Lecture
This girl is in desperate need of a new boyfriend that will respect her privacy!! Everyone gets tired of the paparazzi buzzing around them and simply wants to take a nap in solitude every now and then, right? He has to learn some boundaries, which shouldn’t be too difficult because they aren’t actually there.

Bae Caught Her Slippin’ And Caught A Lecture
The Ex-Stepmom Email That Needed Verification
We all know not to write emails when we’re furious, but we should also include being inconsolably thirsty on the list of things not to do. The stepmom should have double-checked the recipient’s email address before sending the message because this is a strange way to reunite with the son of your ex-husband.

The Ex Stepmom Email That Needed Verification
My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me
Having been caught slippin’ by a cross-species bae, we’ve gone back to grade 12 biology in order to find out more about the relationship between cats and monkeys. This cat is unquestionably the missing link we’ve been searching for because it has acquired opposable thumbs, a large intelligent brain, and the ability to take a selfie with its owner.

My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me
The “Bae Caught Me Slippin'” Because A Classic’s A Classic
Those of you who have never heard of the “bae caught me slipping” trend, allow me to introduce you to it. Lovers posting photos with the phrase “bae caught me slipping” in an attempt to deceive the internet into thinking their significant other shot the photo while they were sleeping. To give you a heads up, it never works, and we end up with these fantastic selfies.

The Bae Caught Me Slippin Because A Classic’s A Classic
Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes
The double-check should have taken place the moment they decided to post their personal relationship troubles on the internet in the first place. If Facebook likes are what these two need in order to have important debates, then they should get their lives in order rather than discussing them on a comment board.

Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes
Ladies, I Am Both A Good And Bad Cop
We all enjoy a good mystery, which is one of the reasons why this young man is so captivating. He can be the sweet musician dude we met at Temple Bar one minute and then a Chad bro the next, all in the blink of an eye. Additionally, he isn’t simply switching hats to do this task.

Ladies, I Am Both A Good And Bad Cop
Omg Bae, I’m Walking To School!
It’s not just that Bae is out here grabbing those who aren’t paying attention, but also rampaging through the crowds of young people who are just trying to get to school with their camera. Bae! Consider the implications of what you’re doing! The importance of education and sleep cannot be overstated.

Omg Bae I’m Walking To School!
She Should Remove The Justin Beiber Poster Next Time She Tries Hard
Remember when we were all young and naive and used Facebook to share the very worst crap we knew how to create? Do we want to take close-up images of our eyes? Please accept my request. A second glance was not given to the snapshot by this young lady who appeared to be hardcore with her cigarette and her Justin Bieber poster, but her older and wiser self most certainly is.

She Should Remove The Justin Beiber Poster Next Time She Tries Hard
In A Dystopia, Candied Pickles Exist.
You were just trying to have a regular afternoon, surrounded by normal people and eating normal food, I’m sorry. You may want to reconsider your position because one psychopath on the internet opted to bypass the “should I post this?” deliberation and simply posted their candied pickle. I’d say I’m sorry, but you need to see what mankind is like firsthand before you can judge.

In A Dystopia, Candied Pickles Exist.
Dad, Stop It!
When you’re in middle school, it’s easy to believe that your parents are doing everything they can to make you look bad in front of your peers. In this particular girl’s situation, she was correct.

Dad, Stop It!
The Birth Of Christ, I Attend
During the holiday season, this mother shared a photograph of her family’s nativity scene on social media. However, she was completely unaware that her children had substituted Yoda for the third wise man.

The Birth Of Christ, I Attend
What’s Up With That Dog?
Ma’am, Your dog is doing something against the window there, and I need you to stop taking selfies and pay attention to what he’s doing there. What is he doing standing up? What exactly does he want?

What’s Up With That Dog
Goodbye, Baby’s Neurons!
No parent wants to admit it, but we’ve all dropped our children or had them smash their heads against a cupboard or anything similar. Perhaps the kids would have had more brain cells if we hadn’t done it, but hindsight is 20/20 in this situation.

Goodbye, Baby’s Neurons!
It’s Not As Cute As You Thought
Due to the fact that it was one of her first (although embarrassing) images with her partner, this girl had kept this photo up on her refrigerator for approximately six years. Then she noticed there was a third person in the room with her.

It’s Not As Cute As You Thought
He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool
Having a pet is beneficial in a variety of ways: they make you feel loved, they’re entertaining to play with, and they enjoy cuddling. However, one of their less admirable characteristics is their disinterest in your photographs.

He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool
Sometimes all you’re trying to do is capture a cute shot with your girlfriends while you’re riding on the boat. Then you unintentionally give the impression that the man in the backdrop is receiving a piggyback ride on your shoulders.

Why, Though?
I understand the desire to brag about a spanking new haircut to your pals on social media, and I understand why. However, it is possible that you should refrain from having your naked partner snap the picture in front of a mirror.

Why, Though
You Can Photoshop The Truth Away If You Want To
Influencers are increasingly using photoshop to enhance their Instagram photos, which has practically become standard practice. While some may have checked the warped pier before posting it online, this one did not, thereby exposing herself as a fraud to the entire world.

You Can Photoshop The Truth Away If You Want To.
Not Your Average Zoo Trip
You’re trying to take your child to the zoo for an enjoyable trip to learn about different animals one minute, and the next you’re attempting to keep them safe. The next thing you know, you’ve captured a shot of giraffes in a state of mating bliss.

Not Your Average Zoo Trip
Being A Dog Lacks Dignity
You can’t hold it against the dog in this case. When it comes to where he can go to the bathroom, he only has a limited number of alternatives. You’re the one that went out into his yard and started talking to him.

Being A Dog Lacks Dignity
What If She Knows?
This is either the beginning of a horror film in which someone says, “your roommate in the background is so funny” and she responds, “I don’t have a roommate…” Or perhaps this was a well-timed bathroom selfie.

What If She Knows
Time For A Tripod
If you’re planning on pursuing a career as a fitness influencer, you might want to consider purchasing a tripod. Alternatively, you may experiment with the self-timer feature on your camera before taking any additional pictures.

Time For A Tripod
There Aren’t Any Bats In The Cave
Given that half of her face is obscured by her phone, it’s difficult to tell what this young lady was trying to achieve with this photograph. What we are certain of, though, is that she did not care for the reflection in the makeup mirror.

There Aren’t Any Bats In The Cave
An Impromptu Reveal
This appears to be karmic retribution. Even if you’re going to gloat on Facebook about how you discovered the gender of your baby while making everyone else wait, make sure it isn’t put down on the ultrasound screen.

An Impromptu Reveal
It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself
The fact that they chose to read their mail and take a photo of it while driving at 40 miles per hour may be the reason that their license is being suspended. It’s probably for the best that this individual is no longer on the roadway.

It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself
Is The Person In The Back All Right?
We’re not sure what the point of taking this photograph was in the first place. However, it highlighted that someone in the background might want a little extra aid from an adult in order to be able to concentrate in class.

Is The Person In The Back All Right
“Let Me Help You Adjust That”
We have the impression that we are interfering with an intimate moment between this Spurs supporter and the athlete in front of him. Perhaps he is simply assisting him by tucking his loose tag in the back of his shirt.

Let Me Help You Adjust That
Fore Men Down In The Background
One of two things happened: either they were trying to evade a wayward ball that someone had mistakenly thrown towards them, or the man driving the cart had consumed one or more too many drinks. In any case, they’re about to find themselves back in the firing line.

Fore Men Down In The Background
The Lighting Was Too Good To Wait
Keep in mind that if the bathroom lighting is ideal for taking selfies, it is also likely that the lighting in the mirror will be equally as excellent. As a result, everyone became aware of what was really going on here.

The Lighting Was Too Good To Wait
Robin Thicke Effect
Robin Thicke once again demonstrating what a gentleman he is; perhaps he should have watched out for that mirror! Although the woman in the picture doth protest too much, if she knew this image would’ve gone viral, perhaps she would have!

Robin Thicke Effect
Always Look Behind You
You can kind of make out the form of a man standing behind her if you look attentively. Check at his reflection in the upper right mirror if you’re curious as to what he was doing lurking in the background like that! Creepy.

Always Look Behind You
Dirty Dog
Dogs are excellent companion animals, but they can also be noisy, foolish, and occasionally even destructive… just like this picture! We’re sure the family weren’t banking on that happening in the background. Oh well, it will certainly be hilarious to look back on this one day!

Dirty Dog
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
We can guarantee that when this couple decided to take a James Bond style picture, they were not anticipating their friend being touchy with himself in the background. We can tell that they remained unaware, as the photo was posted on Facebook! We’re sure there were some Grandparents on there who were best not pleased!

Keep Your Hands To Yourself
How Did You Get Your Hair Like That?
Spend a moment figuring out how this woman’s hair become so tangled. Hint: The picture alone contains all the answers. We can imagine that a lot of energy was used in acquiring this hairstyle. Perhaps one that might be difficult to replicate exactly the same way again!

How Did You Get Your Hair Like That
Beaches Are Family Friendly
A lovely day at the beach is always photograph-worthy. However, perhaps the photographer here could have looked a bit closer before taking this photo. The two behind this girl seem to be getting a bit too fresh. Come on guys, beaches are family-friendly. Get a room!

Beaches Are Family Friendly
Watch Out For Mirrors
Despite being a bit messy in the background, the person in this photo is dressed very respectfully. Well, at least at the front. If you look a bit closer, you can see that the back of this man’s pants has somehow disappeared! We wonder if he was aware that the mirror would’ve caught this. We’d assume not.

Watch Out For Mirrors
Check Your Background
The girl pictured here has all the talent and aspirations needed to be the next big Rockstar. Practice makes perfect, and she spends all her time in her room practicing. Well, not all her time. Every so often she takes some time to ‘wind down’ or relax. Well, you can see for yourself in the background how she does this.

Check Your Background
Wake Up
Okay, get your head out of the gutter. This is clearly someone’s foot hanging off of the wall! If you thought it was something else, that’s on you. Wake up!

Wake Up
Same Same, But Different
Well this photo seems to follow the theme of the last one. Granted, this one is a bit more realistic. We can see why you’d think what you’re thinking, but come on, read the room! In what situation would that really be happening, unless for a wardrobe malfunction. Still funny though.

Same Same, But Different
It’s crazy how quickly people got used to smartphones. We have also gotten used to taking selfies as a matter of course. We know which angles we look best from and which filters flatter our eye color. But everything is just not predictable: Namely, what happens in the background. And sometimes the funniest snapshots come out of it…
Giant Goliath
Actually not that difficult, one might think. You have an (almost empty) dream beach in front of you and a cute little rascal with you that you would of course like to photograph for the family album. The little one has been playing happily in the sand for hours. Mom pulls the trigger, against the sun, she doesn’t see too much on the screen and it’s only in the holiday apartment, where you proudly want to send the photo to your grandparents, that you realize the mishap: the cute son has mutated into the cruel Goliath, the apparently about to eat a midget. Or did the photographer even consciously wait for this moment in this shot. Waiting for the bent over bather’s head to meet the tot’s hand?

Giant Goliath
Are you kidding?
Well, Fox TV doesn’t exactly stand for particularly objective news, but that caption was definitely an accident, or at least wishful thinking. While the reporter is about to announce that “the party is over,” the guests jump around on his neck, cheering happily. Unfortunately, we don’t know what it actually looked like. But at least from the picture, it looks like this Christmas party is in full swing. The reporter’s sullen face suggests his live broadcast was blown up by a couple of cocky hooligans. Anyway, pretty funny this text-image scissors.

Are you kidding?
Chocolate Side? Downside!
One can well imagine the dialogue on which this recording is based. Two best friends are lying on the bed exchanging gossip, then remember they haven’t celebrated their friendship on Instagram today. “Yes, that’s good. We look cool there,” says one. The other pulls the trigger. At second glance, however, it becomes clear that they are not only not alone, but that the girls’ snapping literally misses their behinds. Or was it completely different, and the funny boxer was supposed to be in the middle of the picture and changed his mind at the last moment? We’ll probably never know, but the fact that the two ended up sharing the photo shows that they also found it pretty funny.

Chocolate Side? Downside!
Creepy Clown
Life writes the best stories. When these three teenagers ask the waiter at the fast food restaurant to take a nice picture of them, a van drives by on the street. It is reflected in the restaurant window. Well, Mr. Kellner, you could have put a little more effort into the picture detail! Although, at second glance… There is no ordinary driver in the transporter. The man is wearing a creepy clown mask and seems to be deliberately sneaking himself into the picture. The three must have been pretty shocked when they looked at the picture later. Hopefully you haven’t read Spielberg’s horror ham It.

Creepy Clown
Three coincidences meet here. For the occasion of the photo, this sugar-sweet baby was put in a very cute knitted ensemble, the hat of which is adorned with two fluffy ears. So it’s just right that the family’s house cat walks by and stretches its tail at the camera at just the right moment. Since her body is otherwise almost perfectly covered by the crawling baby, it seems as if the white tail belongs to the baby, or at least to the pretty knitted onesie, which is also white. Once again you can see that letting children grow up with pets is not only worthwhile for the upbringing, but also for the photo album…

The serious side of life
“Now the seriousness of life begins,” the grandparents warned. But that’s probably not how they imagined it. When the proud parents wanted to photograph their first graders in front of the school, these two dogs put a spanner in the works. With these two faces bursting with self-confidence, the photographer probably didn’t pay any attention to what was happening in the background. Namely the most natural thing in the world…

The serious side of life
At first glance, the only thing you notice in this cute family photo in front of Mount Rushmore is the extreme resemblance between mother and daughter versus father and son. In stark contrast to the harmony within the family, a violent scene is playing out in the background. Well, not all family outings are so peaceful, but it almost seems like the big sister is going after her little brother’s throat, doesn’t it? Well, who knows how it is with snapshots. Maybe that’s her kind of warmth. Or he choked on his popcorn and she isn’t there to help him professionally? Back to our picture book family: did you end up putting this portrait framed in your living room?

A Warm Place
We are already used to the fact that men like to feel in unobserved men whether everything is right. But this young triathlete even uses both hands, and unfortunately he wasn’t able to go unnoticed. Because that’s how it is after big sporting events. People take proud finisher photos. Like the couple in the foreground, which we, and you too, have probably completely overlooked until now. The fact that the faces in this picture were subsequently made unrecognizable says it all. Nobody is really proud of this photo. But we don’t want to be like that. Perhaps the man simply felt cold on his fingers after a strenuous competition in late winter temperatures. And that’s the warmest place you can find so quickly.

A Warm Place
Who Is The Queen?
Wow, someone has dressed up! Are you also looking into an open toilet door, out of which a lady in a canary-yellow ball gown is tripping? Mean, isn’t it. You ask your buddy to take an Instagram-ready photo of three classy gala outfits, and he gets distracted and pans the camera to the competition. Three shiny teeth, an extravagant golden train and a designer mini skirt made of leather don’t help much. In general, however, we would recommend choosing a background other than the toilet door if the wardrobe was obviously chosen for the red carpet.

Who Is The Queen?
Litter Box
This selfie would actually be a classic case of being ashamed for others, which the young man is forgiven for because of his age. But really, who shows off their prom outfit in front of the open toilet bowl? That can only awaken strange associations. In this case, however, the photo was “saved” in a charming way. Because just as the young gentleman is putting on his Robert DeNiro face, a black housecat decides to take a sip from this unfortunate high-mounted drinking bowl that his owners have put next to the litter box for him. Did the selfie-taker forget to fill up his cat’s water bowl in all his excitement?

Litter Box
You Are Among Us
These two teenagers must have been quite shocked when they tried to post their selfie on Instagram. Behind the two excitedly laughing girls, there is another good-humored person. Although we are not so sure which species the gentleman belongs to. At first glance, he looks like Harry Potter villain Lord Voldemort. Or does he rather remind us of an alien? To one of Momo’s gray gentlemen? There’s something unnatural about that face… It seems completely bloodless. Are they already with us?

You Are Among Us
At first glance, the joke of this photo is clear. An ostrich is a funny animal in itself, with its long neck and voluminous torso. When feeding in the run-in, he almost looks like a cartoon character. But look in the side mirror. There we have a nice profile of the greedy bird. But underneath there is another scene. A llama is standing there, expectant or frustrated? But that’s not all! In the parked car next door, things aren’t quite as happy. At least it seems like this juneg petting zoo visitor is having a full blown crying fit. Or are we misinterpreting this? Maybe she’s just bursting out laughing. And someone else would say that petting zoos are boring. It always depends on the perspective.

Well, even celebrities don’t always have it easy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a silly toothbrush purchase in the supermarket or a visit to a restaurant, there’s always a paparazzi lurking somewhere. Or just an autograph hunter. In this case, however, comedy satr Amy Schumer simply wanted to attend a hearing incognito. Did she know the accused? Or maybe she was collecting material for her next show? Whatever the case, it must have been quite uncomfortable for the person heard. There were probably several in attendance trying to snap a picture of Schumer off the wrist. And also caught the face of the interrogated. Whatever the man is guilty of, or not. You can hardly have more bad luck, right? His face is sure to be seen everywhere now.

There are entire forums on the Internet that only deal with finding so-called “continuity” errors in films and series. Actually, for this reason, there is also someone on the film set who is responsible for ensuring that no Coke can appears in the history ham or a socket. And that the hero isn’t shaved one minute and bearded the next. Ironically, this unforgivable mistake was made during the series success of the last decade. But such an incredible effort was put into Games Of Thrones with make-up, costumes and filming locations! In the middle of a dramatic scene behind the high wall in the north, where nothing really lives except snow, wildlings and evil, a truck drives by in the background. If only it were a carriage with zombie horses…

The defeat of one
Actually, he just wanted to congratulate his team and celebrate with them! Well, he might have that in common with all the other fans in this baseball stadium… As expected, this somewhat brash fan was brought down by trained security personnel within seconds. Unfortunately, his original triumph turned into a rather embarrassing failure. As the team celebrates, drunk and cheered, this man’s face is pressed into the pitch. But you could have done it in a more relaxed and less humiliating way, Mr. Security, couldn’t you?

The defeat of one