His Info
With so many communication methods at our disposal these days, most individuals put up signs more as a joke than for any other reason. After all, you don’t actually need them to inquire about a genuine lost item, though it might be useful if you don’t know how else to contact the community. That clearly did not pique his interest. We can’t help but wonder if he provided his true contact information for others to use. Was he simply lonely, or did he want to see how many people would accept it for no apparent reason?

His Info
Not Giving It Back
We have a suspicion this sign is a prank because people no longer steal horses. Not to add that this type of prank sign is very popular these days, with people claiming to have found an animal companion that they intend to keep. Of course, the man left his phone number, but we’re guessing he was just bored and wanted to see how many people would call him over this hypothetical horse. Unless he did indeed ride a horse. Never say never.

Not Giving It Back
You’ve Seen It Now
We’re just halfway through this list, but we already have a feeling that boredom is driving the majority of these humorous signs. What exactly do you gain from this? Knowing that ten or so people laughed at your joke? That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with it. It’s not like these placards have ever caused anyone any harm, and who knows — perhaps this simple joke about a cat that everyone has now seen was enough to make someone’s day, somewhere.

You’ve Seen It Now
Don’t Make It Weird
The most frightening aspect of this sign is that it’s difficult to know whether it’s a joke or not. The problem is that if someone meets a pleasant stray dog, it’s easy to become connected to him, and parting with him can be difficult. People should always remember, though, that a dog with a collar most likely already has a family. You can always have a dog of your own! Hopefully, signage like this one is more often than not a joke.

Don’t Make It Weird
Here It Is
A good Samaritan will always restore money to its proper owner. A good Samaritan would be considerably more inclined to keep it. And this one, with a sense of humor, will at least inform the original owner that their money is gone for good. That said, this is most likely another joke done by someone looking for anything amusing to do with a rubber band, and he certainly succeeded.

Here It Is
What we want to know about humorous signs like these is: how does the person who made it get any enjoyment out of it? How can they know it made anyone laugh unless they’re continually monitoring it? Perhaps it will suffice for them to know that they have posted the sign somewhere visible. And, to be honest, it’s a really interesting one to look at. At the very least, they were proficient in Photoshop.

Don’t Make Them Go Back
If you lose your wallet, you are likely to lose a great deal of vital information as well as money. For some people, losing your driver’s license is the worst thing that can happen since it involves going to the DMV, which is a stronghold of evil. The maker of this placard appears to be attempting to elicit sympathy. Hopefully, his pleading for mercy was heard by whoever found his wallet.

Don’t Make Them Go Back
Don’t Make Eye Contact
Not everyone loves their dogs, believe it or not. That’s because some dogs are completely misbehaving jerks. Some of them pose major issues, while others are overly aggressive. When their dog goes missing, such dog owners may really be relieved. This sign is most likely lying because if they truly intended to get rid of Klaus, they wouldn’t need an excuse to put him up for adoption. Maybe they’re just being mean to Klaus.

Don’t Make Eye Contact
Drawn From Memory
If you’ve had something taken from you, there’s no way a sign will help you get it back. After all, the burglar is unconcerned about such things. But the point of this sign isn’t to get the bike back; it’s to let the thief know how the victim feels. Granted, that is unlikely to make them feel guilty, but at the very least, creating this sign was likely a therapeutic process for the victim.

Drawn From Memory
Parrot BBQ
What’s amusing about this one is that no one was attempting to be amusing at all. In certain cases, the coincidence is more humorous than the intent. We’re not sure who was the first to put their poster on this pole, but whoever came in second was either oblivious or wise. At parrot barbecues, we’re confident that no birds are hurt. Parrots don’t exactly strike us as FDA-approved food in the United States.

Parrot BBQ
Opens What?!
You can’t see it in this photo, but the joke is that if you locate this evil dog from another dimension, you should notify the Ghostbusters. Those guys that look after stuff like this, as well as enormous marshmallow men. You could, however, always keep Vince. He has a lot of useful skills, including the ability to open portals to other realities. Who wouldn’t desire a dog capable of such feats?

Opens What?!
Who Would Do This?
By nature, thieves are unethical or selfish, but you have to ask what they’re attempting to accomplish. Some items are valuable to steal, whereas others are not. A floppy drive, really? Is that even worth something at this point? We can’t help but think that some crooks steal just to be jerks. So, you know, the man who made this sign is right about how only a depraved person would do something like this.

Who Would Do This?
Missing Cat
The oldest trick in the book: take a photo of a wild animal and create a lost sign for it, implying that a frightening beast is loose in the neighborhood. That terrifying beast should be known as Mr. Tiddles, since who wants to be mauled by a cat with a name like that? But, if it responds to pain cries, doesn’t that mean you can ask it to stop after it has wounded you? We suppose you’d have to survive the initial strike first, which is a dangerous idea when dealing with a lion.

Missing Cat
Lancelot The Crab
There’s a lot to unpack in this sign about the missing crab Lancelot, who would be quite tough to locate (at least alive) in a large community. But do you know what we’re most passionate about? The prize. There is one, but it is not in cash. So… So, what exactly is it? A firm handshake, perhaps? To be knighted? Is one square foot of Scottish property enough to make you a lord or lady? This has piqued our interest.

Lancelot The Crab
Moving Out
Cats have a habit of picking and choosing which humans they are interested in. That’s fine and dandy… Unless you don’t want to or don’t own a cat. There are certain cats who will try to move in with people without their permission. Some people might like it, but the individual who created this sign certainly did not. Cats, on the other hand, are notorious for picking new humans to call their own at the drop of a hat. Maybe it’ll just go away by itself?

Moving Out
We Didn’t Expect This
Let’s be clear: we do not support eating adorable puppies. We do concede, however, that this sign is amusing because of the abrupt and gloomy turn it took at the conclusion. That was probably a surprise to very few people. We’re happy to report that we have no idea what Beagle tastes like, but we are skeptical of the assertion that it is similar to chicken. In any case, it’s the information we don’t care to confirm or refute.

We Didn’t Expect This
A Good Mosquito
Any sign that asks you to discover and return a mosquito is obviously fake. But, for now, let’s just go along with the joke and pretend. This is a very bad omen! It doesn’t provide us with any identifying characteristics of Aaron, and it doesn’t tell us what to do if we locate him too late. It also makes no mention of any form of monetary incentive for risking catching malaria or West Nile fever.

A Good Mosquito
An Odd Cat
Most people have seen a sign similar to this one on the internet. They’re passed around fairly frequently. We don’t think this (badger, we believe?) animal could be mistaken for a cat, but then again… Some people have really poor vision. Others simply did not receive adequate schooling. So it’s still possible that someone believes this is a domestic feline. If they bother it, they’ll quickly discover otherwise.

An Odd Cat
Freed At Last
Not everyone who wanders is lost, and this includes dogs! Pierre certainly has the blood of some French Revolutionaries coursing through his veins, and he, like his forefathers, desires independence via bloodshed! But, honestly, Pierre, we don’t believe that modern humans, on average, abuse their pets as terribly as the medieval nobles of France did.

Freed At Last
Unfortunately, there is no way to make up for lost time. You can, on the other hand, express your dissatisfaction to anyone who will listen, and perhaps find some sympathetic ears. After all, we’ve all been in a situation when you’re just waiting for some medicine to kick in and allow you to resume your normal routine. Could Claritin maybe work a little faster?

We’re undecided on this one. The absurdity of someone collecting “lost dog flyers” is amusing, but only if it’s a joke. Taking down all of a person’s fliers if they are truly missing their dog would be extremely naughty. But, surely, no one would do such a thing? We’d like to say that, but you’re probably aware that our confidence in humanity is at most mediocre.

Despite what we said not long ago, we are aware that decent people exist, as evidenced by the brief story recounted by this little note. It would be simple to steal missing stuff, yet not everyone does so. However, we believe it’s a little strange to leave a thank you message in this manner. Furthermore, it is littering. Thank them in your heart or whatever.

The Famous Schrödinger’s Cat
The gist of Schrödinger’s Cat is this: Erwin Schrodinger had this theoretical theory that if a cat was beneath a box, it was equally likely to be dead or alive until you confirm it. It’s a thought experiment that will go over many people’s heads, but we can’t blame them. In a situation like this, it makes for a fairly humorous joke at the very least.

The Famous Schrödinger’s Cat
This Already Happened
Don’t be fooled: there are no such things as original thoughts. Everything was taken from or inspired by another person’s concept. Do you know what this sign means? Not to mention the internet’s favorite meme dog? But, hey, there’s nothing wrong with being unoriginal every now and then. If things were only good when they were brand new, wouldn’t we live in a world where finding joy and enjoyment was nearly impossible?

This Already Happened
A Pro Babysitter
Considerably the most dubious of spirits must find a job, but in the current economy, that task is even tougher! In these situations, a sign stating how good you are at your profession is a viable solution. Of course, you might want to leave out the bit where you kidnap their child and adopt them into your evil family. In our experience, this tends to scare away potential clients.

A Pro Babysitter
Anyone Similar Will Do
Your boyfriend went to the store to get some milk, and he’s been gone for over an hour. At that moment, it’s clear that a “lost” sign is the only option. And if you widen your search terms a little and tell everyone that a close enough substitute will suffice, you’ll find your guy much faster. This is a collection of big-brain methods.

Anyone Similar Will Do
The Dog Is The Reward
Isn’t it always the tiniest dogs who are the most misbehaving? Pit bulls and bulldogs receive a lot of flack, although they’re the ones causing all the problems. But, hey, Daisy might be justified. She seemed to have a significant quarrel with the Pope for some reason. Is there some terrible past that none of us know about? Maybe she’s on a vengeance quest after all!

The Dog Is The Reward
Hairy Harry
We’re not sure how individuals can become emotionally attached to a fly, but we’re also not one to pass judgment in most circumstances. Perhaps Harry was a very nice fly that bonded with whoever was seeking him. Or perhaps they were simply bored and thought that chasing down a fly that had attracted their eye one day would be a good idea. When you don’t have anything else to do, you’ll do anything.

Hairy Harry
Not Lost
Some people simply put up signs for the sake of it. It has nothing to do with whether they actually lost anything. This guy just wanted to brag about how great his dog, Gilligan, is. And, let’s be honest, based on the sound of this sign, he’s a pretty dang cool dog. What if, on the other hand, this incited someone to kidnap your beloved pet? Who wouldn’t want their own pet as great as Gilligan?

Not Lost
Not So Friendly
The fact that signs like this one can be seen all over the internet indicates that most individuals are probably joking when they construct them. Even the wording on this sign is similar to the other one on the list. Even if the person who wrote this sign is oblivious, possums aren’t particularly harmful (did you know they can’t catch rabies? ), so they shouldn’t be at too much risk.

Not So Friendly
At Least He’s Happy
When you think about it, having a brain is the source of most troubles and concerns. You wouldn’t have a problem if you didn’t have a brain. That’s presumably why, theoretically, this guy is fine with losing his brain. Obviously, he won’t be able to go without it for long, but for the time being, everyone should leave him alone and let him enjoy his lack of brain for a while. It’s most likely cathartic.

At Least He’s Happy
This Seems Familiar
It’s one thing to lose a turtle, but losing a turtle who has taken your nunchucks is quite perilous. We all know what a nunchuck-wielding turtle is capable of. Thankfully, Michelangelo appears to be a menace only to the evil. We’re persuaded that all turtles could move far quicker than they do; they only keep it hidden so they can use it as a trump card when they need it most.

This Seems Familiar
An Adele Classic
Even if the purpose is only to amuse, this is a creative sign. This poster allows anyone who knows the song to choose their favorite lyric from it. We’re not sure what that accomplishes, but we imagine it’s entertaining. We can’t help but wonder how much effort individuals are ready to put into something like this for such a modest reward. It doesn’t seem to matter as long as they’re having fun.

An Adele Classic
We’re curious what the endpoint is for a flier that asks folks whether they’ve seen it — the knowledge that 10 or so people have? Is that the intent of the person who erected it? Or are they conducting some kind of social experiment to see how many people will engage with something that is ultimately useless? In any case, it appears that some people have far too much free time on their hands.

An Unhappy Chicken
Most signs of this sort include a description of a lost animal so that people can determine if it is theirs, but this one does not. That’s probably because there can’t possibly be that many people who have lost a chicken. Would somebody, on the other hand, try to steal a chicken that didn’t belong to them? That would be a bizarre thing to do. Still, we wouldn’t rule out the possibility of some people doing just that.

An Unhappy Chicken
It Just Flew Away
If you make friends with a pigeon, you’re in for a rough time, because they all look alike and don’t stay in one location for very long. It’s not a bad idea to look for your buddy again. However, given the massive clone army of pigeons, it’s unlikely to succeed. A corvid might be a better choice for a best bird friend for this guy. They are far superior solutions in this regard.

It Just Flew Away
Two Ads In One
If you’re going to put up a notice about your missing dog, you might as well use the chance to announce that you’re selling drums, right? There’s no need to create a completely new poster. Oh, and giving your dog a lot of information, including an apology for his nudity, is usually a good idea as well. You have to let them know what they’re getting into before they start, right?

Two Ads In One
Missing Unicorn
We prefer to tell ourselves that the missing poster is a ruse perpetrated by a desperate mental professional. After all, if you’ve seen a unicorn, don’t you believe there’s a problem that needs to be addressed? It’s an odd thought, but someone with a printer and too much free time felt like going for a walk around the neighborhood. However, we’re intrigued about the type of incentive he would have presented.

Missing Unicorn
Nature’s Bird
It pains us to say this, but we can’t say with certainty that this sign is a joke. Some people out there are just… well, you know. Most people are aware that pigeons are wild animals and pretty common ones at that. We’re not sure how anyone could mistake a pigeon for a domestic bird in the same vein as a pet parrot or something, but we also wouldn’t put it past humanity as a whole to make that mistake.

Nature’s Bird
When it comes to the typical human’s IQ, we’re pretty sure this sign is a joke. After all, no one could possibly be as foolish, right? Who would give away their address if they knew their keys were in the hands of someone else? Unfortunately, we cannot say for certain that it is a joke because we also know that people may be really stupid at times. Hopefully, this guy did not set up a house invasion by accident.

An Odd Reward
This sign raises a lot of issues regarding this husband’s relationship. In what ways does he let his wife down? Why should her faith in him be restored by his trombone skills? And why is he willing to give up his dog in exchange for it? Although none of that is likely to be true, it does make us think about something else. How likely is it that someone in your community can play the trombone?

An Odd Reward
Raspberry Beret
Many people are familiar with the song “Raspberry Beret.” Both parties participating in this conversation appeared to be familiar with it. At the very least, enough to make each other laugh. But, what if that guy did indeed misplace his raspberry beret? This isn’t a laughing matter! Although, in the last 20 years or so, we’ve never seen somebody sporting a raspberry beret…

Raspberry Beret
Impossible To Find
What would you do if an imaginary friend went missing? Because you’re the only one who can see him, right? He’s also intangible, so no one can just happen to run into him or hear his voice. But what if you simply imagine your long-lost imaginary friend returning to your side? Isn’t he then not lost? We’re only pointing out that the rules of imagination can appear strangely restricted at times.

Impossible To Find
Don’t Return
These types of posters, in general, promise a reward if you return anything to its proper owner. They rarely offer an incentive for you to keep whatever it is you’ve lost. But, well, this guy doesn’t care for his cat. And, let’s face it, some cats are a pain — so much so that it’s evidently worth paying someone else to take them away. We’re just saying that this guy appears to be prepared to go to great lengths to get rid of it, so it must be a genuine problem.

Don’t Return
A ‘Good’ Dog
To begin with, we’re not sure if owning canines with wolf blood is legal or not. However, regardless of legality, we can tell you that owning a dog with wolf blood in it is a poor idea. They’re naturally more aggressive, and while full-blooded wild wolves are wary of humans, wolves mixed with domestic dogs are more at ease with them. This isn’t a good mix. With its dozen breed long list of hybrids, we’re also certain this lost canine doesn’t exist.

A ‘Good’ Dog
Check out more of these hilarious restaurant signs, we can’t believe they’re actually real…
Needs Another Look
This sign initially gives the impression that there is something wrong with the restaurant’s food. On the other hand, a restaurant name that is original, hilarious, and makes you want to buy some hot and excellent Vietnamese soup is the product of a clever combination of wordplay from a different language and a reference to well-known music artist Snoop Dogg.

Needs Another Look
Philosophy from El Arroyo
This is another another example of El Arroyo’s impressive signage, which you have previously seen throughout this tale. The Austin restaurant has advanced from dad jokes to cheeky jokes, and now they provide us with food for thought as we eat. If people spend this much time thinking about what clapping is and isn’t, then they must really enjoy El Arroyo’s food, but the sign does pose an intriguing query.

Philosophy From El Arroyo
Better Check the Calendar Again, Lads
Only one restaurant has the boldness, verve, and chutzpah to be open eight days a week while closing on Sundays, despite the fact that many boast about being open six or even seven days a week! We have no idea what restaurant this is, but if it can so drastically alter time, their food must be outstanding.

Better Check The Calendar Again, Lads
Freudian Slip from the Colonel
Kentucky Fried Chicken is a mainstay of the fast food industry. There is no better spot to go if you’re in the mood for crispy chicken and sides. The fact that this sign suggests even a staff member has grown weary of it indicates that it is not everyone’s favorite restaurant.

Freudian Slip From The Colonel
100% Of Reviews Loved This
Did you know that all of the restaurant’s reviews deemed its burgers to be the best in town? Even though just one reviewer completed this, it still counts as 100%! Before making this hasty choice, this person would want to compare a few.

100% Of Reviews Loved This
True Feelings
The sign serves a purpose. When you go out drinking with your friends late at night, you can always bank on one of you confessing your love to the others! Certainly, Molloy’s makes the most of this information.

True Feelings
The Switcheroo
Although we can see what this establishment is attempting, we are certain that people will see through it—possibly. This place seems to be hiring at first sight, but in reality they are seeking for customers—no experience essential! To be completely honest, we would come here only for the humor.

The Switcheroo
Britney Was Here
Given that they directly referenced one of Britney Spears’ hit songs, Wild Rose brewery must adore her! If Britney saw this, we believe she would be pleased with the wordplay. Maybe they could collaborate?

Britney Was Here
Look Closely
This is a perfect illustration of the importance of doing your research before acting hastily. Actually, Players Bar is being quite sincere. kind of… We’re confident that people will read the lengthy sentences and rush to the location, just to be let down. Order something since they’re already there, whatever!

Look Closely
Honor Thy Grapes
It would be impolite if you ignored this sign. Just for you, those innocent grapes perished so they might be turned into wine. It is just plain disrespectful if you don’t take the initiative and order a glass. Don’t harm them in any way.

Honor Thy Grapes
Hygiene Is Everything
For the few positives that came out of the epidemic, everyone is undoubtedly more conscious of general hygiene standards now. The pandemic was a tumultuous time for a number of reasons. That indicates that individuals are regularly washing their hands more frequently and using sanitizer on their face and other exposed skin. Some would argue that the lady who posted this sign has been utilizing hygiene to the point where it has devoured her.

Hygiene Is Everything
Healthcare Workers Were The Best During The Pandemic
Workers who were absolutely necessary got us through the pandemic. They put in a lot of extra effort, stayed up late, and went above and above to support us through a difficult time. The real heroes are those folks.

Healthcare Workers Were The Best During The Pandemic
Mother Knows Best
The adage “Mother knows best” is one that we have all heard, and sometimes it really is true. With this sign, El Arroyo has made that clear. Sometimes we simply misplace items and are unable to locate them. Mother, on the other hand, always seems to be aware of location. If Mother is unable to locate it, is it still there? Yes, that object has vanished forever.

Mother Knows Best
Sometimes A Little Negativity Can Be A Positive Thing
It’s fantastic to be positive! Positive energy is very contagious, therefore being around positive thinkers benefits not just society but also each individual. But nowadays, optimism is associated with a distinct problem. It appears that being negative these days is actually preferable! Who can predict which word will be more effective down the road?

Sometimes A Little Negativity Can Be A Positive Thing
Harsh But True
We wore masks nonstop for two years despite various mask regulations becoming dated at this point because they are still necessary in a number of situations. At times, it really did take effort. You couldn’t enter locations if you didn’t have a mask with you. You were in trouble if your mask cracked. They were undoubtedly inconvenient despite the health advantages. The only other advantage, we suppose, was that if your face isn’t particularly attractive but your eyes are, you’re in luck!

Harsh But True
Instant Relief
Nothing is more satisfying than arriving home, pulling off your suit and bra, and changing into what you believe to be your “comfort wear.” But now we can add something fresh to the mix. What could be better than taking that mask off as you leave a store? Sweet relief, indeed. Freedom.

Instant Relief
God, I Mean Morgan, Where Are You?
The events of the last several years are nearly so absurd that they seem to have been taken straight out of a movie. Consider the movie Contagion as an example of what has occurred here. But it looks like this “feature” would benefit greatly with some Morgan Freeman commentary. If you listen closely, you might hear him, and then we’ll know it was all a lie. What? That won’t happen, right? Darn.

God, I Mean Morgan, Where Are You
Mmm, Cookies
Who said a delectable treat couldn’t promote productive outcomes at work? Most businesses reward their employees in what ways. Pizza day or sandwich hour, perhaps. It’s a meal! Why shouldn’t we be allowed to graze on cookies to improve work performance if Homer Simpson can function at work on donuts?

Mmm, Cookies
Claws Away
Wow, this sign’s installer is a sassy one! Perhaps this person is using masks for a different purpose and reaping the rewards. While most people cover their mouths for health concerns, this person is doing it to hide her snobbish demeanor from others. Crazy but successful.

Claws Away
Social Issues
I firmly believe that the pandemic hurt our collective social standing. It almost seems as though we have forgotten how to interact with others. These days, we’re terrified of having even the slightest interaction with another human being. It almost seems as though we are doing anything to avoid social interaction with self-checkout, self-payments, and self-service.

Social Issues
Be Careful What You Wish For
We occasionally have wishes for things that aren’t always in our best interests. For instance, since Christmas is a day that is always filled with excitement, we would desire that it could happen every day. This does not, however, imply that Christmas should be celebrated every day! Logistically, it couldn’t happen. Similar circumstances exist here… Who knows if it will actually happen.

Be Careful What You Wish For
Smart Cleaning
Who actually gave a definition of cleaning? Does it eliminate microorganisms from a surface? Or perhaps it’s the appearance of cleanliness or neatness. How could you actually tell whether there were bacteria present or not? They are invisible. This sign maker, in my opinion, is on to something…

Smart Cleaning
Always Follow The Guidelines
The iconic line from the hit song “Hollaback Girl,” “A girl’s milkshake draws all the boys to the yard,” is well known. But it was clear that at this point in the pandemic, this girl could only bring a total of 9 boys to the yard. From this, we might infer that at this point, only ten people could socialize simultaneously. Shame, she should temporarily stop drinking milkshakes.

Always Follow The Guidelines
Homeschooling Isn’t Easy
Being a teacher is not for everyone. Actually, the average person doesn’t cut it more frequently than not. Due to the pandemic, many parents were forced to fill the position of “home-school teacher.” Here, they may actually observe how their child behaves in a classroom. Isn’t it time to purchase some presents for your child’s teachers?

Homeschooling Isn’t Easy
Wow, zoom certainly made a difference in our life. It’s possible that none of you had ever heard of zoom before the pandemic, yet it’s now one of the most important programs on your computer. It’s really simple to connect with anyone and hold a group conference call.
