The concern had escalated for years, but it reached a boiling point. They had to end it. After all of the unforgiving drama and all those police visits, they made a decision to end all of it. She masked a huge smile on her face, pressed the doorbell, and gave a small piece of paper. It changed their lives forever. The neighbor had no idea what happened. You know what they say! Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold.

She Got The Last Laugh After Doing This To Her Annoying Neighbor
Her Dream Home
Emily Swanson and her husband had saved money for years to buy this dream house of theirs in Hawaii. It was not easy to live economically, but with some luck, they were able to buy this great house with five bedrooms, an oceanfront dock, and a big backyard. It was amazing.

Her Dream Home
Everything Was Going Well
This is the home of their dreams, and the couple couldn’t be more delighted. After all, they had worked hard for it. They might have been so happy that nobody expected that their next-door neighbor wasn’t the best you could wish for. Nobody was prepared for the unpredicted events that happened.

Everything Was Going Well
The Old Playset
When they tried to get rid of an old playset, the first problem happened before their eyes. This was how they met Tanya, their neighbor. She was an old woman who liked profanity T-shirts and leopard print. No one knew what was going to happen.

The Old Playset
Getting Rid Of It
She stormed over to their primary residence because they lived in a duplex and told them they did not have the legal authority to throw away her children’s belongings which were apparently inside their house. Emily maintained her calmness and went on to remind their neighbor of two major points.

Getting Rid Of It
Reminding Her Of Two Things
To begin with, they located the old playset on their farm inside their property. The duplex landlord gave them the right to get rid of it when they asked about it. Second, the neighbor was definitely aware of the property line, so it surprised everyone that she bothered to do what she did.

Reminding Her Of Two Things
Be Considerate
The kids were given permission to play in their own part of the yard, but they had to be mindful and respect others’ space. After the incident, Emily felt her distaste inside her for this person evolved unwillingly. She could not forget what happened that day on their property.

Be Considerate
A Huge Private Shindig
One day, she was awakened by loud music all of a sudden! It looks like Tanya seems to have interpreted the “kids can play” invitation to suggest that she could host an enormous family party across the whole lawn. Emily was very dissatisfied with the event that took place on the lawn.

A Huge Private Shindig
A Huge Party
They were informed to stay inside because it was a “friends and family only” occasion. Emily was angered by the turn of events. This was far from the worst of it. If something like this ever occurred to you, you would probably feel the same way Emily felt when this suddenly happened to her.

A Huge Party
Confusion All-Around
At the time, Emily and her husband stayed put in the living room. They could not hear much of the noise from there. All of a sudden, one of the drunk party guests went inside! Emily told the stranger that the house he searched for was on the other side of the road.

Confusion All Around
Wrong Move
He then told her, “Tanya said she owned the whole property and to use whichever bathroom.” Emily could not believe what she had just heard from him. “Um… What?!” she replied to the guy. That was when she got enraged and was shocked after what the drunk guest had told her.

Wrong Move
She Could Not Believe It
Emily got surprised when Tanya barged in a whirlwind of cheap perfume and leopard print. The neighbor yelled at her that Emily had a lot of nerve to make her neighbor look bad to her guests. She was speechless after what happened, especially after what Tanya had said to her.

She Could Not Believe It
Don’t Make Her Look Bad
She also affirmed that it was impolite not to allow the guests to use the restroom for just a short period of time. Tanya did not even try to stop there. She berated the couple, saying they didn’t deserve such a large space to themselves. And by the way, she wasn’t done yet.

Don’t Make Her Look Bad
They Wanted To Jazz It Up
The couple was stunned by her boldness. They wanted to teach her a lesson. In any case, Emily and her husband planned to update the patio inside their lawn. They wanted to add a fire pit and an outdoor kitchen. They made all the preparations needed to start their small project.

They Wanted To Jazz It Up
She Can Be Heard Over The Noise
They knew that it wouldn’t be cheap, but they were willing to pay back the laborers for their abilities and skills. Emily was moving some items around the patio when she suddenly heard a very strange noise. Tanya could be heard over the construction noise even with all the sound.

She Can Be Heard Over The Noise
Telling Her Their Plans
“What’s going on here?” asked the neighbor. Emily described all the plans that they were doing. As Tanya listened to this, her eyes suddenly brightened up amidst all. She obviously planned something on her own while they talked. What did she do? Let’s find out more about what happened here.

Telling Her Their Plans
Party In The Yard
Emily had no idea at the time that her next-door neighbor planned another new event in the yard they “shared.” She was too concentrated on the construction they did that she wasn’t able to check what had happened inside their “shared” lawn. It was yet another party by their neighbor.

Party In The Yard
Putting Up A Fence
Emily had been drinking her Cortado and she watched the workers put up a fence earlier in the day. It had been a peaceful morning until she overheard another adult tantrum from where she was. Do you want to guess what it is that she heard from their neighbor?

Putting Up A Fence
New Boundary
Tanya was not happy at the new boundary that they built. Emily and her husband shared a look and they knew that this was clearly going to be another issue with this burdensome neighbor. However, not long after this ruckus, a new person has entered the scene

New Boundary
Her Boyfriend Billy
Billy was Tanya’s boyfriend at that time this all happened. He started to throw his beer cans and cigarette butts over the fence and into Emily’s yard right away. He said he carried this out because they were “disrespecting his woman.” Which, as we all know, clearly was not exactly the case.

Her Boyfriend Billy
They were truly wicked next-door neighbors. They still had loud fights and parties during nighttime, which by now did not help matters. In this case, Billy was evidently siding with his girlfriend. We would have not a single clue how to deal with something like this if we were in Emily’s shoes.

Trouble Was Brewing
Another thing you should know is that Billy owned a 30-inch fishing boat. The lying problem was that their side of the property only had 15 inches of assigned dockage. And since Emily was paying more for their side of the duplex, it was only reasonable that they had more docking space.

Trouble Was Brewing
Docking Space
They had 150 inches, to be exact. To increase their income, Emily and her husband rented out the extra rooms on the dock. Renters tied their boats to the property line and made monthly payments for the couple. Well, of course, Tanya and Billy were not delighted with this.

Docking Space
Something Was Wrong
Emily was shocked when she saw a new review on the website for renting out the docking slots. It was particularly displeasing. The person said on the review that the couple had been rude to them. It would make their business go bad so she had to do something.

Something Was Wrong
She Finally Found Out
Emily and her husband were accused of not going through on a verbal deal to use the docking room for another three months. She figured it out after one quick phone call and it made her enraged more when she learned about what truly happened in their docking business.

She Finally Found Out
They Reported It To The Cops
Enough was enough. She was furious and had to make it stop. When they were away, Tanya and Billy must have pretended to be them and talked to the client. They requested the customer to remove the boat and then parked his own fishing boat in the said space.

They Reported It To The Cops
Taking Action
Emily couldn’t believe what she saw what Billy and Tanya did. She planned to involve the police this time. It was beginning to get out of control. She just cannot let it go their own way any longer. She needed to take action and do something about their neighbor.

Taking Action
The Couple Fought Back
The cops asked Billy and Tanya to move their boat right away if they did not want it to get “towed.” The couple screamed and made a fuss saying that it was on their property. It was definitely a lie as it was stated earlier that they only own a small part of the dockage.

The Couple Fought Back
No One Owns It
Moreover, the two of them went so far as to call Emily a liar. They then attempted a new strategy. They were desperate and attempted to have things go their way so they went and said that no one “could own the water”. Nobody saw that statement coming because it was hilarious.

No One Owns It
Starting To Feel Helpless
They could have lived the perfect life with lovely mornings. Eating fruit salad and gazing at the ocean would be the best thing if it weren’t for their neighbors. It was next to impossible with the cigarette butts and trash from the other side of the fence that the neighbors threw.

Starting To Feel Helpless
It’s All Ruined
Worse, the weekly parties were even more active and wild. Every time they would have to clean up their yards and it was getting out of hand. Throwing fireworks at her boat became a new pastime for the naughty kids at the parties. It was fortunate that destiny was catching up with him.

It’s All Ruined
It Went On And On
The problem not only lasted for months and years. In fact, because of their constant war, the police even committed the address to memory due to the terrible neighbor that Emily has. Emily was starting to lose hope that they would ever have any peaceful time ever again.

It Went On And On
She Doesn’t Know What To Do Next
Tanya and Billy caused their slice of heaven to turn into hell. She began to wonder whether or not they should all leave and just forget all that happened in their area. They started to think that it was hopeless and they had no chance of driving the irritating neighbor away.

She Doesn’t Know What To Do Next
Karma Is Finally Here
The police always took her side whenever they got involved in their issues, but that did not even matter. It felt like they wasted all their money, time, and effort when everything happened. Stress inevitably turned into a constant part of their life and it drove their minds crazy.

Karma Is Finally Here
There’s Hope
Emily was on the verge of giving up when the landlord suddenly addressed her with a new opportunity. She must have been so intrigued about it that she postponed leaving and refused to just give up for her lifetime home of their dreams. There was suddenly hope amidst their storms.

There’s Hope
A Flicker Of Hope
The older man got tired of the housing market and no longer wanted to work as a landlord. He especially found it troublesome to deal with the “crazy girl that never shuts her pie hole.” It was understandable that the landlord was also exhausted by this particular woman, their neighbor.

A Flicker Of Hope
Easy Solution
Emily could not believe what she heard from the landlord. He entrusted her with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to solve all of their problems with the flick of a finger. She could not be any happier at how easy it was going to be! It was a miracle for Emily and her husband.

Easy Solution
Offering To Sell It To Them
He was desperately in need of a buyer for the remaining half of the property. His first choice was to see if Emily and her husband would be interested in buying it. The idea was perfect for the couple and they could not see any reason to not accept the deal.

Offering To Sell It To Them
Buy It!
For one thing, her elderly parents were able to move in with them in their home and it would make it easier for visits. She felt relieved that the procedure had gone without any issues. She got to work on her strategy against their neighbors as soon as the paperwork was completed.

Buy It!
They Got Ready
They were not complete fools. Before the big day, they formed an LLC and checked the end of the lease for the duplex’s other side. Emily and her husband had also prepared the notice papers as well. This paper changed their lives forever as well as their neighbor Tanya.

They Got Ready
Rental Fee
Delighted with everything that happened, she knocked on Tanya’s door, handed her the note, and demanded the rent. The look on the couple’s face must have been so rewarding for Emily and her husband. They were probably in awe of how Tanya reacted to their visit.

Rental Fee
She Was Not Alone
To her surprise, she saw that Tanya had also moved her own mother in. The older woman was embarrassed at the behavior of her daughter. In fact, she apologized for what had been going on for the past few years and for everything her daughter did to Emily and her family.

She Was Not Alone
Her Mother Was There
“I didn’t raise my daughter to live like this!” she exclaimed to Emily. Tanya’s face flushed with humiliation and indignation as she learned this. She was shocked to see what just happened at that moment. It was the best moment after so many years of battle.

Her Mother Was There
Her New Friend
Emily had no idea that this formed alliance would come about. Thanks to the old lady, peace finally arrived in their duplex and their neighborhood. On top of that, she was also excellent company and a great person to hang out with. It was a win-win situation on both sides.

Her New Friend
All At Peace
Every Wednesday evening, Emily and the older woman would bake and drink. Tanya was filled with anger the whole time. Of course, she would not like it but there’s really nothing she can do about it. With her mother there, she could not retaliate anymore against Emily and her husband.

All At Peace
It Was A Kind Gesture
The truth was that Emily and her husband were not wicked people. She did not mind letting them stay there on the duplex for the same price until they found a new place to call home. They started to have peaceful mornings and it made their family’s dream house come true.

It Was A Kind Gesture
Enjoyed Their Time Together
Her bond with the older lady became even stronger and it was amazing and beautiful. Emily found it difficult to say farewell to her and their relationship, no matter how brief or sudden. Their friendship was what made everything well after all that happened in their lives after they moved.

Enjoyed Their Time Together
Enjoying Paradise At Long Last
After some time, the old lady and Tanya eventually vacated the house. Moving trucks shuttled off their belongings and were transported away. Tanya, however, intended not to leave the house quietly. She left a final spiteful letter for Emily in the mailbox. We do not know what the letter holds.

Enjoying Paradise At Long Last
All Worth It
Probably the most hilarious part of all was that she wrote the letter on animal-printed paper! Emily sighed in relief after they moved out. She finally took the break she needed and wanted. She finally enjoyed and appreciated her own slice of paradise, years after moving into their dream home.

All Worth It
Happy Ending
It took a long time to get there, but the sacrifices she made for her family had been well worth it. She must have been happy that she chose to not give up and persevered up until she made it. After all that has happened, all of that wasn’t in vain to have this kind of ending.

Happy Ending