These Horrible Characters Have Ruined Many Great TV Shows, And Here’s Why

Published on 04/16/2021

If there’s one topic that never fails to elicit discussion, it’s the worst characters ever to grace our TV screens. By introducing new characters, many casting directors have improved a series. There were times, however, when they were incorrect. In many people’s opinion, these are some of the characters ruined by otherwise good TV shows! We sincerely hope that your favorite isn’t included on this list.

Many Great TV Shows Have Been Ruined By These Horrible Characters, And Here's Why

These Horrible Characters Have Ruined Many Great TV Shows, And Here’s Why

Cindy – Three’s Company

We got to know Cindy Snow in the middle of a dramatic plotline in the fifth season of Three’s Company. Suzanne Somers had just left the show, so the producers tried to make up for it by casting Jenilee Harrison to play Cindy. She was portrayed as an annoying and ditzy blonde, which annoyed fans more than anything else. The actress later landed a better role in Dallas.

Cindy – Three’s Company

Cindy – Three’s Company

Randy Pearson – That ’70s Show

In the fifth season of Three’s Company, we met Cindy Snow in the midst of a dramatic plotline. Because Suzanne Somers had recently left the show, the producers attempted to compensate by casting Jenilee Harrison as Cindy. Her portrayal as an irritating and sassy blonde irritated fans more than anything else. Later, she landed a better part in Dallas.

Randy Pearson – That ’70s Show

Randy Pearson – That ’70s Show

Seven – Married… With Children

Because he was such an unpopular character, they later turned Seven into a missing person whose face was added to a milk carton. He was the seventh child of Zemus Wanker and Ida Mae. Isn’t it ironic that he made an appearance in Married… with Children’s seventh season? He appeared to be even nastier than a typical young boy, according to viewers. Fans despised the character to the point where the producers decided to kill him off in the middle of the season. According to the cover story, he didn’t want to leave after visiting his neighbor.

Seven – Married…with Children

Seven – Married… With Children

Nellie Bertram – The Office

Catherine Tate made her first appearance on The Office in the seventh season as a guest star, but we didn’t learn much about her until the following season. Andy was fired largely due to her personality! Furthermore, she was an outsider who would have made a terrible boss. We have to say; the actress did a fantastic job portraying the character. After she and Andy reconciled in the ninth season, fans began to warm up to her. However, it was too little, too late by that point.

Nellie Bertram – The Office

Nellie Bertram – The Office

Ted Mosby – How I Met Your Mother

Ted Mosby is the main character in the film How I Met Your Mother. Josh Radnor brought him to life, but a lot of people despised him! He didn’t just take nine years to tell a single story; he also got away with a lot on the show. Viewers also chastised his character for being too cheesy and sensitive. According to TV Over Mind’s Aiden Mason, he’s the “type of guy that guys can’t stand—and women can’t either.”

Ted Mosby – How I Met Your Mother

Ted Mosby – How I Met Your Mother

Wesley Crusher – Star Trek: The Next Generation

For the first four seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher was a regular character. Due to the fans’ negative reaction, he only made sporadic appearances for the next three years. In a show like this, viewers simply did not buy into the “genius kid” trope. To be fair, it appeared that the writers were unable to communicate effectively with young people. Because of the mediocre writing and his California diction, people perceived him as smug and dismissive.

Wesley Crusher – Star Trek The Next Generation

Wesley Crusher – Star Trek The Next Generation

Nikki And Paolo – Lost

Nikki and Paolo, according to E! Online, is one of the “Worst TV Couples Ever.” Fans despised these Lost characters because their plot did not fit in with the rest of the cast. The show was already perplexing enough, so this only added to the confusion. The con artist and actress were only on the show for a short time before being paralyzed and buried alive. Oh, and did we mention that they assassinated someone before leaving for the island? The writers hoped to be redeemed, but their hopes were dashed.

Nikki And Paolo – Lost

Nikki And Paolo – Lost

Priya Koothrappali – The Big Bang Theory

In The Big Bang Theory, Aarti Mann played Raj’s younger sister. Many fans regard her as the fourth season’s main antagonist. Since her first appearance on the show, she was a corporate lawyer, the fans have despised her. Part of it stems from the way she cheated on Leonard. The breakup occurred in the fifth season’s seventh episode. She and Penny, of course, did not get along!

Priya Koothrappali – The Big Bang Theory

Priya Koothrappali – The Big Bang Theory

Cousin Oliver – The Brady Bunch

In The Brady Bunch, Robbie Rist portrayed Cousin Oliver. However, so many people despised the character that it became known as “Cousin Oliver Syndrome.” This term refers to a young character introduced to an old show and needs to shake things up. Unfortunately, many people believe that typecasting only degrades shows. Oliver acted as if he were a human disaster magnet. He caused a slew of issues and threw the series off balance.

Cousin Oliver – The Brady Bunch

Cousin Oliver – The Brady Bunch

Stephanie Mills – All In The Family

Following that, we have another fan-favorite child character. In All in the Family, Stephanie Mills was introduced as Archie Bunker’s niece. Her alcoholic father abandoned her and left her on their front porch. Unfortunately, her tragic backstory did not warm the hearts of her fans. People believed she had ruined the family’s dynamic. On the other hand, some viewers thought she was a good counterpoint to Archie’s liberal views. He was initially dismissive of her because she was Jewish.

Stephanie Mills – All In The Family

Stephanie Mills – All In The Family

Emily – Friends

To be fair, Emily was a popular character in Friends when she first appeared. This did not last long, however, as fans believed she was stealing Ross from Rachel. They were about to tie the knot when he addressed her as “Rachel” during the vows! Because she was unreasonable and jealous, fans were relieved when the relationship ended. She wanted him to move to London with her and cut ties with the rest of the gang.

Emily – Friends

Emily – Friends

Nathan Riggs – Grey’s Anatomy

Many fans hated the character because it was poorly conceived, according to Ellen Pompeo. Patrick Dempsey’s character was her love interest for a long time. Nathan Riggs appeared on the show way too soon, according to fans. Martin Henderson played the character, though the timing could have been better. Later, the actress stated that ABC made a mistake by doing so. They wrote him out in 2017 to be with his fiancée and start a new life with her.

Nathan Riggs – Grey’s Anatomy

Nathan Riggs – Grey’s Anatomy

Billie – Charmed

Kaley Cuoco was a fan favorite on The Big Bang Theory. In fact, it was for that role that she became one of the most well-known stars in the television industry! Penny did not have the same appeal as Billie in Charmed, to put it mildly. The actress made her first appearance in the eighth season’s first episode. She possessed telekinesis and projection in addition to basic witch abilities. Fans disliked her right away, but things got even worse after reuniting with her sister and joining the dark side.

Billie – Charmed

Billie – Charmed

Reagan Lucas – New Girl

Reagan Lucas was brought to life on New Girl by Megan Fox. Fans openly despised the character and blamed her for Nick’s “gross behavior.” The reality is that this isn’t correct. Reagan, in any case, vanished from the show after her breakup with Nick. Their inability to show emotions was a factor in their breakup. She was portrayed as a calm, self-assured woman with a no-nonsense demeanor. While Zooey Deschanel was on maternity leave, the actress guested on the show.

Reagan Lucas – New Girl

Reagan Lucas – New Girl

Dawn Summers – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

On Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawn Summers was Buffy’s sister. Michelle Trachtenberg portrayed her as a potential slayer. Fans, on the other hand, did not bring them to her. They believed her introduction upset the status quo because she appeared out of nowhere in the fifth season and played a pivotal role in the plot. Furthermore, they found her obnoxious because she was constantly complaining. In retrospect, she was clearly attempting to step out of her sister’s shadow!

Dawn Summers – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Dawn Summers – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Castiel – Supernatural

We are confident that many people will object to his inclusion on the list. During the fifth season, Castiel became a regular on the show. There were a few things about the character that fans didn’t like. For starters, remember that he absorbed the souls of the Leviathans and declared himself God. There was also “Casifer,” the Castiel who allowed Lucifer to take over this body. Fans were outraged at how he agreed to such a destructive act. Even though he could be amusing at times, he was hit or miss.

Castiel – Supernatural

Castiel – Supernatural

Ramsay Bolton – Game Of Thrones

This character, according to The Atlantic, was “the worst character on television.” A quick poll also confirmed this. Not only in the fantasy series but also real life, people thought his crimes were outrageous. Let us not forget that he tortured Theon Greyjoy to the point where he lost half his weight, and his hair turned white, giving him the appearance of an older man. Unfortunately, the actor’s hatred for the character appeared to have spilled over into his hatred for the character.

Ramsay Bolton – Game Of Thrones

Ramsay Bolton – Game Of Thrones

Criss Chros – 30 Rock

In the episode “Idiots Are People Two!” Chris Chros made his first appearance on the show. People thought Liz Lemon, who James Marden played, could do better. Well, they weren’t entirely wrong. The protagonist was a hot dog vendor who studied ethnomusicology in college. There was a lot of backlash on Twitter when he joined the cast. On the other hand, fans thought it was good to pair her with someone who wasn’t overly ambitious.

Criss Chros – 30 Rock

Criss Chros – 30 Rock

Marc Brendanawicz – Parks And Recreation

It’s no secret that Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation has a large fan base. This is most likely why they despised Mark Brendanawicz, who appeared on the show for the first two seasons. The city planner was brought to life by Paul Schneider. Despite Leslie’s strong feelings for him, he dismissed her and went on to date her best friend! Many fans were relieved when the character was killed off after the second season. According to the actor, he left due to “creative differences” about how his character should be written.

Marc Brendanawicz – Parks And Recreation

Marc Brendanawicz – Parks And Recreation

Scrappy Doo – Scooby-Doo

In the 1970s and 1980s, Hanna-Barbera added Scrappy Doo to the Scooby-Doo cast to boost the show’s ratings. He was our favorite great Dane’s nephew, and he actually helped boost the ratings at first. Fans, on the other hand, grew tired of this animated puppy. He was deemed unlikable, frustrating, and rude by viewers. They made him the main villain in the live-action Scooby-Doo adaptation. This was apparently at the director James Gunn’s request!

Scrappy Doo – Scooby Doo

Scrappy Doo – Scooby-Doo

Cole Aaronson – Scrubs

Cole Aaronson of Scrubs seemed tailor-made to be despised by fans. Dave Franco portrayed him as a snobby, disrespectful intern who only got the job because of his parents. They did, after all, construct the hospital! Furthermore, he was always hitting on Denise and claiming that he could get away with it because of his parents’ influence. He served as a comedic foil for the rest of the crew, despite having his own funny lines. Fans despised him, but he did provide a lot of laughs!

Cole Aaronson – Scrubs

Cole Aaronson – Scrubs

Madison ‘Badison’ Murphy – Orange Is The New Black

The hatred of Madison brought the Orange Is the New Black fandom together. She is “the most annoying character on television,” according to The Guardian. On the other hand, screening Rant claimed that it was a “casting decision that harmed the show.” The character, also known as “Badison,” first appeared as a villain in the sixth season. Her snobbishness and self-centered attitude made her unpopular. On the show, there were villains that people seemed to despise, but she surpassed them all!

Madison ‘Badison’ Murphy – Orange Is The New Black

Madison ‘Badison’ Murphy – Orange Is The New Black

Screech – Saved By The Bell: The College Years

During the first season of Saved by the Bell: The College Years, Dustin Diamond played Screech. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the show’s final season. His college iteration sparked hatred among fans, despite being a beloved character in the original series. It turned out that the actor was well aware of the situation. In an interview in 2000, he stated that the writers tried to “destroy” the character on purpose. Oh well, maybe it was just him showing up at an inconvenient time.

Screech – Saved By The Bell The College Years

Screech – Saved By The Bell The College Years

Declan Porter – Revenge

In Revenge, Declan Porter was introduced as Jack’s younger brother. He was also Charlotte Clarke’s boyfriend, and he turned down Amanda’s romantic advances. He had always encouraged his older brother, Emily, to date. In the end, he was killed in a bombing attack shortly after learning that he and Charlotte were expecting a child. Despite his tragic story, fans were unconcerned about his death because he was already disliked at the time. His fans thought he was whiny and had strange hair!

Declan Porter – Revenge

Declan Porter – Revenge

Hades – Once Upon A Time

In Once Upon a Time, Greg Germann brought Hades to life. People despised his relationship with Zelena, which they thought was illogical. After all, he wreaked havoc on the show while attempting to reclaim the title of King of the Underworld. He first appeared in the fifth season’s twelfth episode. He pretends to love her because he believes he can make his plan work. It’s a good thing she figured out what was going on before it was too late. She killed him in the end by plunging a crystal into him!

Hades – Once Upon A Time

Hades – Once Upon A Time

Lila West – Dexter

Since Lila West was evil and insane, we doubt anyone liked her with the protagonist. When she died, fans were ecstatic, but they did not enjoy the second season because of her. A fan described it as “cringe-worthy”! In any case, Dexter got rid of her by killing her in a remote location. Jamie Murray portrayed the character as an “unhinged mistress,” according to Digital Spy. While some fans defended her as an antagonist, others objected to her being the main character’s love interest.

Lila West – Dexter

Lila West – Dexter

Maya Herrera – Heroes

Maya Herrera did not ruin the show, but she did have a strange superpower! Her ability was to create a lethal poison that would kill any nearby human in a matter of seconds. Her eyes would turn black, and a stream of black tears would flow whenever she did this. People in her immediate vicinity develop the same symptom and die. Her superpower, which got out of hand whenever she was stressed, required the assistance of her twin brother to be deactivated. It felt like a liability rather than a useful ability!

Maya Herrera – Heroes

Maya Herrera – Heroes

April Nardini – Gilmore Girls

According to the AV Club, this storyline was “the worst thing” that ever happened on Gilmore Girls. Luke and Lorelai had broken up because of her, but she was his daughter! Vanessa Marano, who played her, said she disliked the character because it caused the couple to break up. Despite her dissatisfaction, she continued to play the part because she knew it would benefit her career. It was critical for her not to be bothered by the fact that the show’s fans despised her.

April Nardini – Gilmore Girls

April Nardini – Gilmore Girls

Andy Bernard – The Office

Who’d have guessed we’d get yet another entry from The Office? Andy Bernard, played by Ed Helms, was a fantastic character who lasted until the ninth season. Although you could argue that Nellie Bertram is to blame for ruining his life, he was undeniably unlikable in the ninth season. He ditched Erin after chasing her down in Florida and being fired as a result. He then went on a boat trip and abandoned the rest of the team to pursue a career as an actor-singer, despite being terrible at it…

Andy Bernard – The Office

Andy Bernard – The Office

April Rhodes – Glee

When it comes to April Rhodes, the Gleeks are split. She was a former star who had returned to the club to lend a hand. She was a guest star in the first two seasons of the show. Her fans found her obnoxious and repulsive. Indeed, Buzzfeed described her as “dumb, annoying, and selfish.” The New York Times agreed, describing her as an “inconsistent” character. They thought it was strange that her admission to the Glee Club was based on the fact that she had not completed high school.

April Rhodes – Glee

April Rhodes – Glee

Anna – One Tree Hill

Except for Anna Taggaro, the entire cast of One Tree Hill was adored by fans. Unfortunately, according to Screen Rant, the writers made her a flat character who lacked “heart nor humor.” She failed to impress viewers, which was unfortunate because she was one of the few LGBTQ+ characters on the show. She didn’t have any chemistry with Lucas, and she wasn’t a good friend to Peyton either. She was unlikable, which is why fans were relieved when she vanished in the middle of the series.

Anna – One Tree Hill

Anna – One Tree Hill

Joffrey – Game Of Thrones

Do we really need to go into detail about how many unpleasant characters there are on Game of Thrones? Joffrey, on the other hand, has to be one of the most despised. He was a self-centered, spoiled brat who rose to the position of king. Imagine your typical bully being elevated to the position of King of the Country. He began as an annoying character before transforming into a murderer. Many people, including Sansa Stark, exhaled a sigh of relief when Olenna Tyrell finally poisoned him at his own wedding.

Joffrey – Game Of Thrones

Joffrey – Game Of Thrones

Jenny Humphries – Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl’s Jenny Humphries was not a fan favorite. The characters all acted badly, but no one was more obnoxious than this one. This is why so few people were willing to put up with her bad behavior. Furthermore, she kept repeating the same pattern. She’d start by doing something that would annoy her family. She came to her senses and made amends when she realized she had been wrong. On the other hand, she never learned and continued to do the same thing repeatedly!

Jenny Humphries – Gossip Girl

Jenny Humphries – Gossip Girl

3J – Family Matters

On Family Matters, Orlando Brown portrayed Jerry Jamal Jameson, also known as 3J. He later developed a meth addiction. Many fans thought he was disrespectful and rude because, despite taking him in, he showed no gratitude to the family. According to Culture, he was an “annoying character” who was only there to “boost ratings.” When he first appeared in season eight, viewers were taken aback. It was pretty much “The Steve Urkel Show” by season nine, and it was canceled before 3J could wrap up.

3J – Family Matters

3J – Family Matters

Nicky And Alex – Full House

We agree that Alex and Nicky Katsopolis were both adorable, but they weren’t the best Full House characters. Without the subtitles, you wouldn’t be able to understand them! Furthermore, they had little to do with the actual plot. They were Uncle Jesse’s children, but not as bad as Michelle Tanner’s. Michelle was misbehaving and tampering with his musical instruments. While she was adorable, many people believed she acted in ways that their own parents would not allow.

Nicky And Alex – Full House

Nicky And Alex – Full House

Gertrude – Frasier

They didn’t make Gertrude Moon likable on purpose, to be sure. While staying with Daphne and Niles, she was an overbearing guest who overstayed her welcome. She was able to get a job at a café, but everyone despised her. Millicent Martin, a British actress, did an excellent job portraying her, but the character was written as whiny and domineering. Her fans believed she was far too one-dimensional.

Gertrude – Frasier

Gertrude – Frasier

Dana Brody – Homeland

Dana Brody of Homeland was also not well received by the internet. She was dubbed “TV’s most annoying character” by The Daily Beast. Morgan Saylor played her as a whiny adolescent who claimed she wanted to “provoke fans.” People thought she was annoying because she had the same expression all the time. Buzzfeed even made a list of her expressions, which were all the same!

Dana Brody – Homeland

Dana Brody – Homeland

Janine – Friends

Joey’s roommate, Janine, was introduced. Even though she only appeared in five episodes in the fifth season, she was disliked by fans. To be fair, she did try to break up the group by saying that once Chandler and Monica started dating, she didn’t want him around them. He was too “blah,” she said, and she was too “loud.” Joey, fortunately, disagreed with her request! That was quite a relief.

Janine – Friends

Janine – Friends

Marina Nunier – Elite

Elite is a new high school drama from Spain. Marina Nunier Osuna isn’t one of the show’s most well-liked characters. She meets Samuel, but their relationship is cut short when he discovers that the child’s father is actually his brother. Fans, as you might expect, thought she was too sneaky. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter because she died in the end. We won’t tell you who killed her, though!

Marina Nunier – Elite

Marina Nunier – Elite

Paige Jennings – The Americans

Paige Jennings was dubbed “the most hated character” on The Americans by The least liked character in a spy show is the main character’s teen daughter. Maybe her fans don’t like her ugly jeans and sweaters. If not that, it could be the way she lists her accomplishments when no one asks. This show is critically acclaimed, but it did not perform well in the ratings.

Paige Jennings – The Americans

Paige Jennings – The Americans

Dr. Jo Wilson – Grey’s Anatomy

We can’t deny Jo Wilson’s cool and collected demeanor in several scenes. However, there were far too many times when she was simply not herself. She struggled to express her feelings and kept them bottled up. In the eyes of many fans, this made her annoying. Did you know that Camilla Luddington, who played her, also starred in the Tomb Raider games like Lara Croft?

Dr. Jo Wilson – Grey’s Anatomy

Dr. Jo Wilson – Grey’s Anatomy

Hazel Wassername – 30 Rock

Liz Lemon said that Kristen Schaal’s character Hazel Wassername in 30 Rock was “just another weird page,” and she already had one. Kenneth was introduced as a side character to add some variety to the story, but fans were not over him. Hazel’s desire to have Liz all to herself didn’t help matters. EW launched a campaign to oust her and reintroduce Kenneth! She appeared in two seasons of the show.

Hazel Wassername – 30 Rock

Hazel Wassername – 30 Rock

Marie – Breaking Bad

On Breaking Bad, Marie Schrader has to be one of the most irritating characters. People thought she was arrogant, neurotic, and untrustworthy. She also thought she was better than others, even though she was a kleptomaniac. Some people seemed to find this more irritating than dealing meth, but oh well! Many people thought it was strange that she told Walt to commit suicide.

Marie – Breaking Bad

Marie – Breaking Bad

Tori – Saved By The Bell

Tori made an appearance in Saved by the Bell’s fifth season. How annoying was she? Funny or Die made a skit about the character wondering why she wasn’t invited to the reunion special. The only reason for this was that her fans disliked her. Tiffani Thiesen and Elizabeth Berkley were supposed to be replaced by Leanna Creel, but let’s say it wasn’t a popular choice.

Tori – Saved By The Bell

Tori – Saved By The Bell

Andrea – The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead had a high turnover rate, which explains why many of the characters were disliked by fans. Backstories were rarely revealed to fans. One such character is Andrea, played by Laurie Holden. She appeared in many scenes with overs, and fans thought she was annoying and didn’t add much to the show. After the third season, the producers decided to fire her. The actress stated that she felt “like [she] got shot.”

Andrea – The Walking Dead

Andrea – The Walking Dead

CJ – 8 Simple Rules

David Spade joined the cast of 8 Simple Rules in 2004. He portrayed C.J., who is Cate Hennessy’s nephew. He was always getting himself into mischief and giving his cousins bad advice. On the show, the character got into a lot of mischiefs. It’s difficult to say whether or not fans disliked the actor or the character. Even though he broke away from the typical sitcom format, the novelty did not last long.

CJ – 8 Simple Rules

CJ – 8 Simple Rules

Sherloque Wells – The Flash

Sherloque Wells was such a divisive character that fans started a “Sherloque hate post.” On the show, he was Harrison’s doppelganger. Many fans thought he was far too one-dimensional, particularly as the main antagonist. Was there anything redeeming about this character? Not to mention the fact that he revealed Nora’s secret to the entire crew. According to Digital Spy, even Cavanagh, the actor, expressed “doubts” about the character’s longevity.

Sherloque Wells – The Flash

Sherloque Wells – The Flash

Kennedy – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

It was wonderful to see Willow fall in love again after the loss of Tara, but it’s a shame it had to be with Kennedy. The writer most likely failed to flesh out this potential slayer because she was rude and arrogant. He was the one who initiated contact with Willow, but fans were surprised to learn that she reciprocated his feelings. He and Tara, after all, had nothing in common. Her arrogance, according to fans, was unjustified.

Kennedy – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Kennedy – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Cousin Rose – Downton Abbey

Rose kept Lord Sinderby’s adultery a secret because it was “totally against the rules of feminism,” as Gretchen Wieners of Mean Girls put it. Cousin Rose did not appear in the film because she moved to New York. The character’s actress, Lily James, stated that she was not in the film because “there was no space.” However, we do know that she married Atticus and went on a honeymoon to Venice. Even on the show, the character wasn’t prevalent. Mrs. Hughes went so far as to say she wasn’t a true “lady.”

Cousin Rose – Downton Abbey

Cousin Rose – Downton Abbey