The man recognized that Crosby was trying to say something. Crosby was curious about the wall. The man could not think of any reason why. After he watched the footage, he was surprised and immediately observed the wall. The dog realized what he was doing, and its tail began to wag. It had been so long since he saw his dog act that way. All the questions in his mind were all answered because of the wall.

A Dog Kept Looking At The Wall Until His Owner Looked Inside It And Was Blown Away With What He Saw
Attached To His Dog
George Miller was a single man who was living away from his family. The man now resided in a city. We knew how hard it was to live without our parents, siblings, or relatives. The loneliness he felt during the time he was alone was intensified because of his life changes.

Attached To His Dog
To fight the loneliness, George decided to get a dog. He was a 29 years old man who was fond of his dog. The man believed that the dogs were a man’s best friend. George could say many things about his trusted and adorable dog named Crosby, but there was something that the man did not know about his pet dog.

Bonding With His Furry Friend
When he found out the secret of his dog, he could not believe that his adorable dog would perform that kind of thing. He thought to himself that he took care in the past few years if that was the same dog. George knew that Crosby was a dog who would love to play with another animal. After Crosby became fond of them, it would not leave its side.

Bonding With His Furry Friend
His Furry Best Pals
Crosby did not have a difficult time becoming friends with other animals. One proof that Crosby was a kind dog when it became friends with the pet dog and cat of their neighbor. Crosby and its friend were caught in a different kind of trouble. However, one after another, Crosby’s best friend had passed away. Crosby and the owner were saddened because of what happened to the animals.

His Furry Best Pals
Pets loved to be accompanied by their owner. It was one reason why they lived, and they would feel happy when someone stayed at their side. However, they would also feel sadness when they lost something they loved. They were similar to a human being. Crosby was also mourning, but there was a real meaning of why it acted that way.

There Were Warning Signs
George did not recognize the changes in his pet. The owner and his pet were still doing their usual stuff in their daily life. It was also the reason why the man did not realize those warning signs. He figured out that something was wrong when he returned from his work and believed that his dog would welcome him, but he was surprised because of the disturbing sight.

There Were Warning Signs
Staring At The Wall
George tried to call his buddy, but the dog did not react. He recognized that his dog was staring at the living room wall. The man wondered why his pet did not respond. George was starting to get worried and tried to call it again. It still did not respond. The owner approached the dog and observed the wall where his dog was looking at. What did Crosby see at that location?

Staring At The Wall
Snapping Out Of The Trance
George was worried about his pet Crosby. The man tried to touch the dog out of confusion, and it was the time that his buddy had returned to its original behavior. The owner said, “What is it, boy?” However, George was glad that his dog was fine. He thought that his pet might be looking at a bug, but he did not think that it was something else.

Snapping Out Of The Trance
There Was Something Off
After that event, Crosby became the adorable dog that he knew. In the middle of the night, George was awakened because he felt thirsty. He decided to get a glass of water, but he saw his buddy staring at the wall again when he walked through the living room. The man knew there was something wrong. Crosby was even gloomier than before.

There Was Something Off
He Needed Answers
George was worried about his pet. He wanted to know what was happening to his dog. The next morning, the man rose early and went to a nearby store. George bought a camera with night vision. He set it up on his home and immediately went straight to his work. George decided to watch the footage after that day. He was determined to know what was happening to his pet.

He Needed Answers
Trying To Send A Message
On the following day, he decided to look at the recording that the newly bought camera had caught. George realized that Crosby did not behave that way when he was gone. Crosby would only stare at the wall when the man was around. It looked like it was trying to convey a message to his owner.

Trying To Send A Message
Signaling The Only Way They Can
Animals had a fantastic intuition. They might not speak our language, but they would figure out how to convey a message to their owner. It might be barking, howling, scratching, bumping, or other odd behavior. Crosby decided to look at the wall to communicate with his owner. However, he could not figure out what he was trying to say.

Signaling The Only Way They Can
Taking A Closer Look
George observed the location of the wall where his buddy was staring. After he walked into the room, He recognized that his dog was happy because of his bark. It has been so long since he saw his dog cheerful again. Crosby started to change after the death of his best friends.

Taking A Closer Look
What Was Inside The Walls?
Crosby was barking happily at his owner. After George had to kneel to check the location where his dog always stared, he was surprised when he heard a sound in that area. He said to himself, “What on earth was that?” He was terrified of what he heard, which made him skip faster. The man knew there was something behind the wall.

What Was Inside The Walls?
There Was A Hole
George recognized the wooden paneling had a loose part. It was located near the wall. He tried to pull it off, and he did not expect that the drywall had a hole inside. He gathered up all his courage and put his hand inside the hole. He tried to reach the far end of the hole, but he was shocked by what he just felt as he was touching every corner.

There Was A Hole
Checking It Out
The parts of the drywall had fallen on the floor. However, George suddenly touched something that he did not know. He tried to hold what he had felt. George tried to pull it out. He was disappointed that it was all dirt and drywall. The man heard the noise louder than before. George that he was getting closer. He removed the filth and squeezed his arm deeper into the hole.

Checking It Out
Something Down There
George was careful about what he was doing. His hand would touch the surroundings first before squeezing his hand deeper. Soon he had touched a tiny and soft object. He thought that it was only insulation or drywall. However, the cry inside the hole had gotten louder. It was a mark that he needed to get it. As soon as he held the creature, he started to pull it out.

Something Down There
The Truth About The Wall
George had saved and located the kitten behind the wall paneling. The was located in the middle of the washroom and living room. The man wondered how it got into that place. He was also surprised that the kitten had a similar appearance to Crosby’s best friend cat. He also thought that his buddy might be the reason why it ended up in the hole.

The Truth About The Wall
A Lot Of Questions
After George pulled the kitten inside the hole, he saw the kitten was full of dirt. It might be that the mother was also around the area and looking for its child. George thought that he needed to do something, and he knew that the kitten couldn’t get inside the walls. He wondered if his dog had put the kitten in the hole because it was sad.

A Lot Of Questions
Thinking Of The Owners
George started tidying up the kitten. He used the damp cloth and removed all the dust around its fur. The man checked his dog and realized that it was cheerful. Judging by the appearance of the kitten, it looked almost eight weeks old. George did not have any idea how to take care of a cat. He just prayed that the owner of the cat would show up.

Thinking Of The Owners
Asking His Neighbors
After what happened, he began to look for the owners of the cat. However, he failed. He tried to ask his neighbors and even posted the picture in some places, but nobody took the kitten. Some of his neighbors told him that it was just a stray cat. After all that happened, he decided to take the kitten to the vet.

Asking His Neighbors
In Perfect Condition
The vet said that the kitten was healthy and did not have any injury after it was checked. The only problem with the kitten was filthy. The man decided to scan the kitten’s neck to check if it had a chip, but there was nowhere to be seen. No one reacted to the photo, even on Facebook. Soon he decided.

In Perfect Condition
He Made The Right Call
Crosby was happy because of his new friend’s cat. His dog become cheerful again after the death of his two best friends. However, George was not fond of a cat, and he tried to ask the vet if he could give it to a shelter. It made his buddy heartbroken, and he thought it was the best idea he ever got, but suddenly his decision had changed.

He Made The Right Call
Making A Decision
George shared, “The vet basically told me that if I took her to the shelter she’d be put down because there are already over 300 kittens at the county shelter alone that need homes.” Nobody would be happy if they heard that kind of news. He added, “He said I could try putting her outside and hope she goes home, or I could keep her.”

Making A Decision
The Happy Ending
After he heard the vet, he changed his decision and kept the kitten. It became a part of their family, and Crosby was happy with his owner’s decision. The dog had a new friend at their home, and the kitten was not homeless anymore. George named the cat Lil Ray-Ray. The man also learned that he should give attention to his buddy.

The Happy Ending
An Amazing Bond
George saw his partner was glad that Lil Ray-Ray became part of their family, and he knew that he made the right decision. Crosby would not get mad even Lil Ray-Ray was scratching him or sleeping on his fur. It was a kind dog that even the kitten was scratching its fur, and it did not fight back.

An Amazing Bond
Helping Animals In Need
We were happy that there were people who liked George. However, it did not change that we should also help the shelters. If we did not want to get a pet, we could foster in the meantime. We should help the organization to help animals. The kitten in the story might be lucky, but others were not. Another story we would tell was about a suffering animal that needed to be rescued.

Helping Animals In Need
It Was Cowering Beneath a Car
On a rainy morning, Hope for Paws received a call about a particular dog. The caller talked about finding a German Shepherd mix in her area. The problem was that this stray had been hiding beneath a car all by herself. Aside from that, she seemed to be avoiding people as much as she possibly could.

It Was Cowering Beneath a Car
Try To Lure The Dog Out
Loreta Frankonyte and Eldad Hagar were working in Hope for Paws. Eldad was the founder of the organization. Their duty was to save animals who were in dire need. The two were the people who were tasked to observe the problem in that area. Before they went to the location, they decided to get a cheeseburger first.

Try To Lure The Dog Out
Avoiding Contact With Humans
The dog that needed to be saved was avoiding humans. It also hid under the large van. People who saw the dog thought that the dog canine was scared. It was why it did not want to go out of the place where it was hidden. Loreta tried to walk towards the dog. She tried to give the food they had brought to the dog. Did her plan succeed?

Avoiding Contact With Humans
Proceed With Caution
Loreta was prevented from frightening the dog with her action. She cautiously made a move to rescue the dog. Loreta knew that it would be difficult if the dog would escape. The rescuer knew the risk that one move could make the dog violent. Even if they wanted to save the dog quickly, they must ensure their safety first.

Proceed With Caution
No, Thank You
Loreta tried to get closer to the scared dog. However, it responded with a unique cry. It was a reaction that was similar to a human when they were terrified. The rescuer recognized how frightened the dog was. It might be afraid of people around the area. Loreta was heartbroken because of this event. She had an idea that the dog was a stray.

No, Thank You
Never Heard Something Like It
On YouTube, we could watch the organization’s video of the crying dog. They shared that, “at first we thought she was hurt but she cried because she was so scared.” The title of the video was ‘Homeless German Shepherd cries like a human! I have never heard anything like this!!!’

Never Heard Something Like It
Slowly But Surely
In the beginning, the canine did not like the cheeseburger. After some time, the dog became calmer, and its cry was lessened. The two stayed in the area until the rescuers noticed that the dog tried the cheeseburger. It might be calmer than before, but Loreta was still concerned by the well-being of the German Shepherd.

Slowly But Surely
Mystery Dog
Nobody knew how the dog ended up under the vehicle, but they knew it was terrified of the people around it. The rescuer knew that there was a chance it would get violent. However, Loreta was determined to save the terrified dog. However, she did not forget that she needed to move cautiously to avoid getting hurt.

Mystery Dog
Taking Baby Steps
The rescuer needed courage and dedication if she wanted the task to be a victory. After all, this animal was enormous when it came to size, too. It was never the right decision to taunt a dog, far less a big dog. Loreta prayed that the dog would not attack out of terror.

Taking Baby Steps
Their goal would be to get the animal out of the spot, but it was still secure. Is it even possible? Several rescue organizations would use a tool to make this possible. The device in question was paired with a long string and also a hole at its end. The hole was meant to go around the dog’s head.

Attack Mode
Dogs were usually innocent and harmless but would strike when people got too near to them. Quite often, they would act like this when they feel frightened and scared. The same as us, they would like to ensure their safety. If they see you as a danger, that’s how they’re going to ease the issue.

Attack Mode
It was a great thing that they had at least purchased the cheeseburger before going over here. In principle, food would serve as an excellent lure when it came to enticing dogs. We all understood that worms were often excellent at catching fish! But was that concept going to lead anywhere? Continue to figure out the result.

Not Interested In Her Cheeseburger
The dog’s reaction was puzzling. Although the rescuers left the cheeseburger there, the dog immediately backed down and went back to the car again. They were surprised by the lack of interest. In their knowledge, the dog was expected to come for food no matter how frightened it was at the moment.

Not Interested In Her Cheeseburger
Scared & Wary
Dogs usually prefer starvation over terror. For some reason, though, this animal was prepared to starve. It was adequate evidence for them to find out how terrified it was. Loreta couldn’t believe it when she saw a dog turn down the cheeseburger. But what did they intend to do after the attempt failed?

Scared & Wary
Much Longer Than They Expected
Everything would have progressed much sooner if the animal they were rescuing had shown more faith in them. Even though it wasn’t easy, Loreta and Eldad wanted this task to be a victory. They weren’t going to do it by coercion, though. That was just out of the picture.

Much Longer Than They Expected
Trying To Help
When the cheeseburger was not sufficient, Loreta used the device they had with them. The rescuer was attempting to place the lasso around the dog’s neck. But she immediately discarded this idea when the rescuer saw how the dog responded. It seemed too frightened as Loreta tried to use this tactic on her.

Trying To Help
She Ran
Once more, Loreta decided to make sure the pup was going to stay calm. Things seemed to be going to get worse if the dog ran off terrified. Clearly, from that moment on, the rescuer had to work out a new strategy. What could they do now that their first two methods failed to get this poor animal out of the dark area?

She Ran
Looking For A Safe Spot
The lost puppy might have believed that it was secure where she was. When she was rescued, the German Shepherd Mix had been hidden under the parked car. It was situated between two buildings. It was a great thing that Eldad managed to secure the place with a barrier that would keep the dog from fleeing.

Looking For A Safe Spot
Bringing Her To Safety
After a while, the dog had to get out of the place. When this had happened, Loreta and Eldad would have been able to get her to safety. But how much time did it take before this occurred? The rescuers were going to wait a little longer, and they ensured they were emptying their schedule. The only option to do right now was to wait.

Bringing Her To Safety
There For The Long Run
Eldad was protecting one of the exits while letting Loreta guard the other one. It was a great thing that he recorded the mission by using their phone. The video footage showed the rescuers trying to talk to the puppy to get out of there. They were dedicated to make the project a success, no matter what.

There For The Long Run
She Continued To Whine And Cry
The dog was still crying for some time. Fortunately, after a little while, it gradually started listening to the rescuers. Loreta was trying to get him out of hiding and into the open field. It crushed their souls when they witnessed the dog crying, but things began to look for them soon after.

She Continued To Whine And Cry
Getting Calm
The dog let its big ears down. It could be interpreted to mean that at that time, it was terrified. The rescuers noticed and provided the pup enough time to regain its composure. After a while, the dog seemed much less scared. Loreta and Eldad were relieved to see her relaxed after this had happened.

Getting Calm