About That Night
Mason believed he had found the ideal wife when he wed Julia, the love of his life, in the end. But the first night, things started to go wrong. Mason was unable to enter his room because it was locked, and when he did, he was utterly shocked by what he discovered there. The only option started to seem like an almost immediate divorce.

About That Night
Where’s Julia?
Mason was pounding on his hotel room door, but his newlywed Julia was not answering. Could she already be asleep? On their first evening as newlyweds? Or was there another thing going on in their hotel room?

Where’s Julia?
A Letter From Julia
Mason eventually had to call the front desk of the hotel to send someone to open the door for him. To his surprise, when he stormed inside to investigate, he discovered that nobody was there. He only noticed a letter on the bed.

A Letter From Julia
He Can’t Believe What He Just Read
He took it out and began reading. Mason could not believe Julia had left such a message in the letter, which was from her. How was this possible for her to do to him? However, what had happened to Julia? Why did she leave Mason a letter on their first night of marriage, and what was in it?

He Can’t Believe What He Just Read
Nobody Thought It Would Happen
Nobody could have foreseen that after their seemingly perfect relationship began, things would go so drastically wrong for Mason and Julia. In Mason’s mind, it was almost like a love story from a movie. But he never thought it would actually turn into a drama.

Nobody Thought It Would Happen
The First Meeting
On a chilly night, the couple met in a bar. He was a regular, and Julia was there for the first time. When he first saw her, Mason couldn’t believe his eyes and was immediately drawn to her. He summoned all of his confidence and started talking to her.

The First Meeting
It All Happened So Fast
They seemed to click pretty quickly. She seemed to be as into him as he was into her, if not more, which surprised Mason who never thought he would have a chance with someone like her. After a great night together, they exchanged phone numbers. And everything just started moving along very quickly after that.

It All Happened So Fast
He Was Worried
Mason and Julia essentially became inseparable in the weeks that followed! They started seeing each other almost every day and soon announced their relationship to their friends and family, but the couple had to deal with one issue. Mason was very anxious about something.

He Was Worried
As you can see, Mason had other loves before Julia. He had previously been in a committed relationship. Samantha was the name of his ex-girlfriend, and at the time, he didn’t want to be apart from her. However, there are times when faith has other plans and there is nothing you can do to change it.

She Was Gone
A few years prior, an accident took the life of Mason’s Samantha. precisely 5 to be exact. She was way too young at only 22, and as a result, Mason was broken. He was aware that he must keep his resolve though. Not just for himself, either.

She Was Gone
Connor Saved Him
Mason’s son Connor, who is now a teen, was born from his relationship with Samantha. He was just 3 years old when the accident occurred, so Mason now had to give him a lot of uplifting and joyful attention. It was challenging, but in a way, it probably also saved him.

Connor Saved Him
Trying To Meet Women Again
Mason found that having something else to focus on besides his sorrow and grief really helped him move on with his life and recover from everything. Inevitably, he was even able to resume dating, and soon after that, Julia entered the picture. Mason’s past and present lives, however, were about to become entangled.

Trying To Meet Women Again
Connor Wants To Meet Samantha
Connor wished to meet the woman his father had been gushing about so much after Mason and Julia had been dating for about a month. Mason thought now was the right time, despite wanting to hold off until he was positive Julia would be in his life for a very long time.

Connor Wants To Meet Samantha
Connor’s reaction when he first met Julia was shocking, despite the fact that he had been thrilled to hear that his dad had a new girlfriend! Mason had been single for a while, and Connor was happy to see his father dating once more. However, after meeting Julia, Connor found it difficult to support their relationship. What was the cause of his disapproval, though?

8 Years Gap
The obvious age difference between Connor and Julia shocked him when his father introduced them to him. Mason was 8 years older than Julia, as you can see. Julia was only 18 years old, in addition! Connor refused to give the couple his blessing because he felt let down by his father.

8 Years Gap
They Didn’t Care
The couple was in a difficult situation because most people wouldn’t accept them due to their age difference. The couple had to decide whether to end their relationship or not. After the major insight, Mason says, “I should have been wiser.” Mason and Julia, however, didn’t care at the time because they were in love.

They Didn’t Care
Getting To Know Each Other’s Family And Friends
Fortunately, only Connor seemed to find this age gap to be problematic. A minimum of on Mason’s side of the family. Everyone else simply appeared delighted that he had rediscovered love. Of course, Julia’s friends and Julia’s extended family were also present.

Getting To Know Each Other’s Family And Friends
The Judgment
Mason had been very concerned about possible rejection from Julia’s family when the two had just started dating. He could not picture them all simply approving of their 18-year-old girl dating a person eight years older than her. However, he would find that this was not something about which he should really be concerned.

The Judgment
Julia’s Parents
Mason had to wait a very long time before he even had the opportunity to meet Julia’s parents. She appeared to be very motivated to exclude her family from the situation. Mason had repeatedly questioned her about her motivations, but she had always been incredibly evasive.

Julia’s Parents
Not Wanting Her Parents To Be Involved
Mason initially thought this was a little odd, but he soon saw the advantages. It implied that he would escape all criticism. Mason saw it as another benefit to their relationship, but perhaps he should have shown a little more interest in it.
Something She Doesn’t Know
Mason had thought everything about Julia was perfect up to this point, so it might surprise you to learn that he was keeping a very important secret from her. Something that might alter their relationship. And he would tell her about it far too late…

Something She Doesn’t Know
The Proposal
As the years went by, the couple became even closer and appeared to be content as always. When Julia turned 21 years old, even Connor finally gave his approval. Mason took Julia out to dinner for a special occasion on that particular evening. Julia was shocked when Mason proposed to her after dinner, and she accepted!

The Proposal
A Destination Wedding
The couple began making wedding plans very quickly. However, things quickly became a little out of control. Julia started preparing for a lavish wedding. She was planning some far wedding! Although Mason was unsure whether the expense was necessary, he enjoyed seeing Julia smile, so he agreed to her plans.

A Destination Wedding
Mason Paid For Almost Everything
Mason had a large amount of money saved up, whereas Julia at her young age did not have the opportunity to do so. Mason was therefore expected to cover the majority of the cost of the wedding, but Julia kept promising him that she would carefully monitor every dollar spent so she could pay back him for half of it. Mason has made the choice to comply with this.

Mason Paid For Almost Everything
He Felt The Pressure
Mason felt under increasing pressure to tell Julia his big secret as the wedding drew nearer. It was aware that if she made this lifetime commitment to him without being aware of this, it would be unfair to her. He struggled greatly to find the appropriate time, but one night he was simply without a choice.

He Felt The Pressure
He Had A Vasectomy
Mason was told by Julia that evening that while she was thrilled about the wedding, she was even more thrilled about the prospect of having children in the future. Before finally confessing, Mason was silent for a brief period of time. After his first divorce, he had a vasectomy because he didn’t want to have kids.

He had A Vasectomy
She Was Upset
Julia was inconsolable. She couldn’t believe Mason had waited so long to tell her—having children had always been her dream. She stormed out of the apartment they shared after she became upset and asked him if he would be willing to change his mind. His response only made her more upset.

She Was Upset
Was It Worth it Though?
Mason felt awful for having been silent for a day. He made a choice because he had no idea how much having kids meant to Julia. For their love, he would make a sacrifice. Mason had his vasectomy undone after scheduling an expensive procedure. He called Julia after that, and they reconciled. But was Mason’s suffering worthwhile?

Was It Worth it Though?
The Idea Of Having Kids Made Him Happy
By this time, Mason had come to the realization that Julia truly meant everything to him and that his top priority was to please her. Even the idea of having children together excited him. But sadly, poor Mason would find that this won’t ever happen.

The Idea Of Having Kids Made Him Happy
The Much Awaited Day
The big day finally arrived after months of anticipation and planning. The newlyweds appeared happy and in love. To assist the soon-to-be husband and wife in celebrating their anniversary together, all of their friends and family had flown out.

The Much Awaited Day
He Was So Inlove
For that special day, no expense was spared, but Mason didn’t care that nearly all of his savings were lost. The moment he looked into Julia’s eyes, it was all worthwhile. In his eyes, that was more valuable than all the money in the world. Oh, what a fool he was.

He Was So Inlove
A Quick Chitchat
They enjoyed a party with the guests until they were too exhausted to continue. Both the visitors and the obviously exhausted Julia almost immediately returned to their rooms. However, Mason made the choice to stay a little bit longer so that he could grab a drink with his best man.

A Quick Chitchat
There Were Doubts
Mason learns from his best man that when he and Julia first started dating, he initially had some reservations. He had the impression that she might not have been with him for the right reasons, but after realizing how long they had remained together and even got married, all of his uncertainties vanished.

There Were Doubts
The Words Never Left His Mind
Mason discovered that he was having trouble getting his best man’s words out of his head once they had both left the bar. What had he noticed that gave him the impression that Julia’s initial feelings might not have been sincere? Mason shook and made an effort to ignore the thought. He needed to pay attention to other things.

The Words Never Left His Mind
Going To Their Room
Mason moved toward the honeymoon suite. He eagerly anticipated Julia waiting for him in their room to officially end their marriage. He discovered the door was locked when he arrived in the room. Additionally, Mason was lacking a personal key.

Going To Their Room
Julia’s Nowhere To Be Found
Julia had forgotten hers upstairs, so he gave it to her when she entered the room. Mason yelled Julia’s name as he began to knock on the door. But when she remained silent, he began to worry. Did she actually nod off on the eve of their wedding? Or was there another issue at hand?

Julia’s Nowhere To Be Found
He Finally Opened The Door
He persisted in knocking and shouting until the adjacent rooms began to object. He then made a call to the front desk to request assistance entering his room. When Mason rushed inside after they had unlocked it, he discovered that it was completely empty. Julia was missing.

He Finally Opened The Door
He Found The Letter
Mason searched every room, every closet, and even the space under the bed. However, his new spouse was nowhere to be found. Now, he began to worry a lot. What might have occurred? But then he saw a note on the dresser that he was positive had never been there before.

He Found The Letter
Some Time Alone
Mason held the letter out of fear that his new bride had been abducted abroad. The letter, however, was brief and devastating. Julia had written that she would see him again the following morning and that she needed some alone time to process everything that had occurred during the day.

Some Time Alone
She’s Back
Although Mason thought this was a little strange, it was much better than what he had feared when he first discovered the letter. Eventually, he was able to get some rest, and the following morning, Julia was back in the room. But there was a distinction. Mason observed it right away.

She’s Back
Acting Like Nothing Happened
Julia handled herself as if the previous evening had not occurred. She appeared to want to say as little as possible about it. She assured Mason that everything was fine, but her actions told Mason otherwise. He was still not prepared to abandon hope, though.

Acting Like Nothing Happened
They Went Back Home
Mason was certain that Julia would quickly come to terms with the wedding and the commitment she had made, so he wanted to give her all the time she needed to “process” it. The same day, they took a flight back home to get ready for their upcoming honeymoon.

They Went Back Home
A Sudden Goodbye
A few days after their return, Julia simply disappeared once more. She did not, however, have any plans to go back this time. She informed Mason via text that she was leaving and that she had found someone else. His worst fears were realized when he asked her who she was leaving him for.

A Sudden Goodbye
Guess Who
Mason read Julia’s letter on their wedding night, when she had vanished, and his suspicions grew. In order to find out if anyone else had also vanished the previous evening, he had subtly hung out with everyone that evening and the following morning. At that point, he learned that his friend Peter had also vanished.

Guess Who
A Younger Man
Peter was a more youthful coworker of Mason’s. For ten years, Mason had mentored him and taken him under his wing. They were very close, and Peter had gone with Mason to buy the infamous wedding ring. Julia confirmed the betrayal, which Mason had initially been reluctant to accept as being possible.

A Younger Man
The Reason Why
Mason was devastated. He was unable to eat or rest after hearing the news. Both his wife and his closest friend had betrayed him. Even worse, Julia’s response to his question about her reasons for leaving him wounded his pride. “He’s better in bed than you are.”

The Reason Why
Moving On
Even though Mason was inconsolable, he knew what had to be done: “I couldn’t keep living that way; I couldn’t let her have that hold over me.” Mason decided then that he would sell the ring Julia had given him back and get rid of everything else that made him think of her and their wedding.

Moving On
They Thought It Was A joke
Their engagement ring was listed online for as little as $714 (€400) because Mason was so desperate to get rid of everything. But it became popular because of the cost and his message in the post. “A lot of people assumed it was a joke,” What in Mason’s writing led readers to believe it was a joke?

They Thought It Was A joke
The Post
In the post, he said, “Hi, recently I got married in Mexico on the 3rd of June and this was the wedding set I used while Julia said her marriage vows.”However, six days later I found out she started having an affair on her hen night and it carried on for eight weeks through our dream wedding.”

The Post
He’s Doing Well
The ring and everything else that made Mason think of Julia was eventually sold. After two years, he is now doing much better. He admits, “she was right,” when asked how he feels right now. She was far too young to be committing herself in that way. Mason still has no intention of making amends with her, though.

He’s Doing Well